The goal of this website is to make it easy to see important information about SAFE Apps that are built by the community.
For each SAFE App, you can see:
a link to the main website associated with the SAFE App
the forum username of the person to contact (e.g. if you want to get involved) as well as a link to the forum profile of that person. This could enable interested people to contact that person via a private message on the forum.
a short description of the SAFE App
a link to the GitHub repository containing the source code of the SAFE App and the name of the license (e.g. MIT, GPL, etc.)
a link to a Twitter account associated with the SAFE App
a link to a discussion forum or a discussion topic about the SAFE App
the development status of the SAFE App (Concept, Work In Progress, Demo, Working Prototype, Live, Abandoned, On Hold, Stealth Mode or Unknown)
the date when the information about the SAFE App was last updated only contains 3 apps at the moment, but I am open to any suggestions. If you click on the information icon next to the search bar, you will find a link to a submission form which you can use to submit new apps (or to update existing apps). Feel free also to just contact me by private message on the forum or on Riot.
The website itself is a Meteor app that uses React for the UI.
And I am able to use a Python script to synchronize a Google Spreadsheet (it contains the data about the SAFE Apps) with the MongoDB database of Meteor.
So how is this going to work with the project @whiteoutmashups is doing? Are we going to have 2 app databases going or are you two going to pool your resources and work together?
I had mentioned @whiteoutmashups about getting an app site done with some backend code; I tried to help but I know I don’t have all the ground covered in Javascript and web apps; I know @frabrunelle does and I asked if he’d help get an app site together. voila and Bravo for it
@Blindsite2k I hope that these guys collaborate and continue onward
Amazing @frabrunelle ! you are an inspiration, I love your constant pursuit of ingenuity and knowledge.
Side note, I was first a little shocked by the number of Ethereum apps, but after looking at every live project…wow there is a lot of friction with running so much code to just demo. I totally get where they want to go with the apps, but there will be no reason all of those developers will not instantly fall in love with SAFE. It will be really cool to see the cross over and overlaps that will happen.
Nice work @frabrunelle! Look forward to decluttering my workload and getting metame up there Your continual contribution to this community is inspiring… Thank you!
I recently redesigned using a static site generator called Jekyll. I created a Markdown post for each SAFE app in order to store the data (previously the data was stored in a MongoDB database manually synchronized with a Google Spreadsheet). So now the entire website (layout + data) is contained inside a GitHub repository and deployed automatically using GitHub Pages.
The main advantage is that it will now be easier to suggest new apps and improve the information for the existing apps. Anyone can easily submit a pull request to the GitHub repository.
Please visit and let me know if you have any comments or suggestions
I found an open issue about this on the GitHub repo of rawgit:
looks like Norton made a false positive. I just contacted them to ask if they could unblock rawgit. It’s just a CDN for files hosted on github (so they might as well block github ).
anyways, I just removed rawgit from (I don’t really need it after all) so you shouldn’t get any broken images next time you try
The apps are now divided into 3 categories: “Compatible with Alpha 1”, “Compatible with Test 11” and “Work in progress”. This should make it easier for people to see which apps are available and which apps are still in development. Also, the apps are ordered based on when they were last updated.
Perhaps it could be good if apart from the website link, each app can also show a link to the live PoC/mockup site on the safe test net. So people (not following the forum, or people new to the project and/or to the website) can realise that there is a test net working already with some apps to play with, hopefully encouraging them to try the test net out.
Sure, safe:// links can be included in the description of each app (I think it’s better to have it in the description, that way it’s easier to explain how to access the app. e.g. some apps have multiple versions, other apps are installed via a binary, etc.) I added one for some of the apps (e.g. SAFE Markdown Editor, SAFE Signaling Demo, noBackend Invoice, etc.).
I didn’t add one for SAFE Wallet yet (I saw you released safe:// yesterday). I’ll add the link tomorrow. Or feel free to submit a pull request.