Introducing SAFE Wallet app

As previously anticipated, I was working on creating the first version of the SAFE Wallet app integrated to the SAFE network, and I’m in the position to very proudly share it with you today! :fireworks:

Please note this is just a functional version with some limitations, e.g. the only type of item which can be added or edited is the “Priv/Pub Key” one. I also noticed that sometimes it (the Beaker browser) is slow in rendering some animations, I presume is due to the current limited bandwidth of the network, but I’m not sure.

It internally uses a single StructuredData to store all the information, which ID is kept in a config file (“safe-wallet-config.json”) stored in the app’s folder. I will eventually migrate this to make use of the new MutableData structure when available.

The first time you access it, it will create a sample data so you can see how it works. Bear in mind this is performed only the first time.

I would explain more about it here, but I prefer you to find it out by yourself! :slight_smile:

You can access it on TEST 11 net at: safe://

Please let me know if you have any issues. I’ll be happy and willing to receive any/all type of feedback.

Enjoy it! :wink: