New Network Tomorrow — be ready to reset your nodes

Hi all!

As Bux mentioned on Friday, we have a new and updated network ready to be launched this week; a complete network switchover, not just an upgrade to existing nodes.

So tomorrow, when we give you the nod, you will need to reset and restart all your nodes. We’ll be pausing uploads while this happens, and you’ll have 24 hours to get them up and running again before uploads recommence.

The eagle-eyed among you will notice the releases on Github in preparation for this, but wait for our signal before running them as they will only connect to the new network after the official announcement tomorrow.

There are many more exciting news updates to come tomorrow too; so stay tuned, and join us for our Discord Stages event for all the details.



I have recommissioned the agogometer, wiped it down lovingly with a cloth woven from the finest platypus hair soaked in Laphroig, adjusted its cute little titanium calibration screws and connected it to the smoothest of specially-filtered 240V.

It now sits gleaming on its elegantly sculpted granite base, its needle twitching in anticipation and thrumming gently.