Network Update - new network Oct 10

As many of you have noticed, users have encountered issues with the new network, and we’ve faced some challenges. In the weekly Thursday devblog, we will provide a report on the chain of events and an analysis of what happened yesterday.

A few important notes:

  • We will be launching a new network tomorrow at 14:00 UTC. (another reset will be needed)
  • No further uploads will be allowed on the current network, meaning you won’t earn nanos until the new network is live. Feel free to take your nodes offline in the meantime.
  • Be mindful of the increased memory and CPU requirements for nodes handling 4MB chunks. We recommend gradually scaling up your node count to avoid any surprises.

Lastly, I want to emphasize how happy we are to have you all as part of this community. I understand it can be frustrating when things don’t work as expected, but remember that this is all part of the beta testing process.


I come here and tomorrow 14:00UTC is 40 hours away. 16 hours till 14:00 UTC today and another 24 hours till 14:00 UTC tomorrow


Surely a countdown widget could be implemented… :globe_with_meridians:


In the autonomi version of a forum!


gogogo!!! its time to show!

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Still 10 hours to go

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