Milestone Alert Update: Autonomi is Entering Early Technical Beta!

sending batteries and hot food

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It’s just describing a cohort of people that are already engaged to a degree, are eager to be contributing by things like running nodes (typically they have been doing this for other adjacent projects, such as Gala) but tend to be using more consumer grade hardware, and not as comfortable with the command line.

We all know what this should mean, and know the all the differences and nuances between web3, web 3.0, semantic web, dWeb etc etc.

But woven through all of the communities, and projects, and noise, are a lot of people who are yearning for the sort of web we are building. It’s time to show them! And draw them out through the noise to the real deal.


‘revealed’- just grammar nazi stuff :wink:

Still web3 leaves a bad taste in my mouth. One of deceit. And no the “true meaning” of web3 has been lost to many people.

Maybe a better wording would be “web3 community” if that was meant. That removes autonomi from trying to be a web 3 project, which is what that wording said autonomi would become.

Autonomi is as much “web3” as SMTP+NNTP+NTP+… is to the web. Autonomi is so much more than web and to limit it to web/web3 is to stifle imagination and creativity of what autonomi is.

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