MAIDsafecoin, Price and Trading topic (Closed)

Haven’t read this thread for several weeks, just thought I would mention that I’m picking up some MAID on the cheap right now. Slowly increasing my holdings. Worked with Bitcoin, and this is way better.


Is this seriously your opinion, because I never heard that said anywhere else?


guys, about the dev thing, aussie human here( or as my fellow aussies say from “down under”). I am willing do a monthly contribution here to a dev interviewed by maidsafe and respectable community developers until such a time as maidsafe raise some more cash…

Not sure how much yet, but if 50 of us can afford 100 Aussie bucks a month, that may be something.


Besides the funding channels being pursued at the present, I’d favor a Crowdsale with an SD coin issued by Maidsafe.

By that, I mean we are starting to see some worthwhile projects on here, being financed due to trust in the underlying technology i.e SAFE.

Surely Maidsafe have some Apps in the drawer that they know will be feasible once this thing goes live. So monetize one in advance via Crowdsale, bring in Devs to learn the ropes and contribute towards roll out…then after launch their ready to branch off into the Crowdfunded Project fully trained.

I’d like the chance to invest in Maidsafe, those guys are the brainstrust…it’s not gonna happen via a share offering (I think) so why not monetize your IP with a coin, when you could use the resources.

If Maidsafe have Apps in the drawer they need to get out front with them anyhow…the market very much favors first out the gate if the products solid.


Great idea @chrisfostertv that would actually be the best approach. Look at how decorum did - likely now @seneca has a war chest for 2 to 3 years maybe more for 2 developers that are also picking up rust and safe protocol along the way. A bonus would be if btc goes up massively too then they can wait for maidcoin to catch up.

This should likely be a topic somewhere else for us to contribute and think up ideas. I was kind of hoping that omnicoins(mastercoins) become super useful in value by now and help bring the loss to maidsafe back into balance but I am not sure how much work is going into that platform and I think it will likely be superseded by the likes of safex soon.

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The bonus scheme was modelled on the original Mastercoin crowd sale, I believe that they were the percentages they had used.


These are some great ideas being floated here @chrisfostertv . Are the funding channels being pursued by Maidsafe insufficient? Its admirable the community wants to step and support a dev or two but is it realistic and sustainable? Would a separate coin not impact/ dilute the current MS coin and private share value? What am I missing?

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This is a good question. I wasn’t aware of any immediate funding issues and if there aren’t, this isn’t the sort of rumour that needs starting.

@nicklambert, could you confirm the status on this and put minds at rest, please?

no mention of funding issues, all I see is a push to grow the team. no budget is endless or open ended.


As was explained by MS there are funding options being explored but are dependent on network launch or variation of. My understanding is this is not crucial to short term survival but, as many businesses require, would be “formative stage” financing.

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“These guys”…do you mean the 33M MS holder?

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To echo @Josh let us help, even to the point of donating money to finish development.

I am regretting that statement as traction has already misconstrued it in a sense. All i said was perhaps instead of everybody screaming for faster progress lets contribute to the team. But i see this could go a little spastic with trigger happy traders.

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We have no immediate funding issues and have a plan for moving forward which we will be in a position to share in the coming weeks. A big consideration for us here was being able to ensure we remained the master of our own destiny and avoided short term decisions. So if you can bear with us we will articulate things in a bit more detail soon.


To me, it’s what are Maidsafe missing. Sure they have funding that they are famously good at extracting maximum value from, but I would really like them to have a billion dollars to play with.

Already we have @seneca monetizing value off the back of David’s 10+ years of work and there will be plenty more that do the same.

@seneca basically showed Maidsafe, the value they have in the SD component of their protocol and I think they should consider monetizing that value for themselves before someone else does.

Why would you dilute your companies value by attracting outside investment when you have so much inherent IP value available to monetize.

Probably the factor holding this back…the network is not live, SD can not be monetized directly…they would need to use a protocol like omni…Oh! wait, I think weve been here before.


Sorry Im not following this. How is @Seneca monetizing anything off David if the Safenet doesnt exist?

Hire more devs maidsafe! I’ll give you a percentage of my paychecks!!! I think the idea of an SD coin sounds interesting for monetization but why speculate on the data of the network and tie the data down with such a coin? I’m open to being pursuaded by all means I’m just not sure that’s the right route. But I’d totally buy in on a maid safe built app to help boost the project.


Is it not self evident? It was great inspiration, David said so himself…and built on the shoulders of Davids vision and the Dev teams hard work.

With outside inspiration like this and a positive crowd sale, it has to get other devs inquisitive to the value yet to be extracted. I would just like to see Maidsafe extract plenty of that value for themselves.


How does Project Decorum speculate on the data of the network and the tie down data?

@chrisfostertv I must have been interpreting your idea as being very low level tied to SD rather than providing a simple function for an app such as project decorum does. Almost a tax on SD if you will which I wouldn’t support. But you probably wouldn’t support that either if I was to guess, so probably a stupid assumption on my part. Whatever function maid safe had for SD would most definitely depend upon the app and would be more helpful if it was novel although just being on the network and IT being novel maybe could be good enough. At this point I’m just blabbering. I’d just like to hear cool app ideas I guess and the novel way SD could be harnessed, haha. I want more funds for maid safe too we’re in agreement there for sure.