MAIDsafecoin, Price and Trading topic (Closed)

No, its not self evident. Whats evident (to me) is the value is not derived from the Safenet (*because there is no safenet) and Seneca has not monetized the Safenet. Im on your team and want to see MS succeed then same as everyone.


Oh also what I meant by speculate is SD is very much data unlike safecoins function as reward (also safecoin is structured data therefore a low level taxation on structured data could have all sorts of unintended consequences) and so if the coin for SD was speculated on etc then it could mess with the network in a big way. Long story short I realize this is most likely not what you meant at all so please ignore this whole derailed train of thought.

The Safenetwork does not yet exist and as such I have not referenced it in my assertions. What I did say was

It was great inspiration, David said so himself…and built on the shoulders of Davids vision and the Dev teams hard work.

Of course you would know the body of work that is contained in patents, academic studies, white papers, repositories etc etc extensive work carried out over the course of 10+ years. To say that @seneca has not leveraged this body of work in the course of formulating his vision does not compute.

It’s what we all hope will happen, different eyes will see opportunities that others miss and build out on them…what was unexpected in this instance is that someone extracted exceptional value before the network even hit MVP and showed how powerful the SD concept is.



Is it really extracting value (taking it away) or is it adding more value to the entire ecosystem? All ships rise with the tide, do they not? I plan on adding value to the ecosystem. If we are just about pulling money out, then shame on us devs, but I don’t think too much of that is happening, yet…

@moderators: This has gotten way off topic, and I’m part of helping that happen, and I’m a mod and have no idea how this should be handled :wink: if anything… I am enjoying the conversations immensely though.


Yep…@seneca has shone the spotlight on SD and David hints at ‘programmable safecoin’ …so programmable SD seems to be on the horizon (whatever that is)…hopefully Maidsafe will at least make some lunch money from it :slight_smile:


Maybe MS can make it to launch, and then everything will be OK. Because I’ve heard they have many app ideas up their sleeve, so I think they will have a first mover advantage to create some apps that really haul in the SafeCoin rewards.

Not saying that they should abuse it, but they are in a very great position to see financial success on that front. So hopefully all will be OK :slight_smile:


Yep I’m with you there, extracting is not the right term…even monetizing is crude, adding value is kind of corporate.

The word for devs on this platform is ‘builder’ and that’s wide open and implies something useful, so definitely no shame on the devs…hope I didn’t imply that…devs are a great bunch of people… honestly…not lying or anything like that…peace :blush:


I have a couple posts that I might just change now ;). Thanks for this…


Interesting take:


Given that all cryptos are paid for using Bitcoin, I would venture to guess that Maid is being sold off to re-buy Bitcoin which could be entering a bull market.


Yes we still have 900,000 Msafe from the crowd sale we never sold due to all the hassle. So we have that in the tank to drip feed onto the market (where it should be). That does not represent much at all in needed income, but it helps. We are looking at some imminent options as well. Next few weeks will be interesting I think.


you mean the 900K MAID that disappeared here last night ? :slight_smile:


Yes it’s just over 900K msafe.

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900K MSC, not much of a war chest for a team working on this galactic mission ! I do not sense anxiety or malnutrition your end so I imagine you guys have other sources of support ,) but wow, now I’m imagining how much progress you guys could make with more resource and cash. … maybe best you keep your (lack of ) funds offline, so it can’t weaken your hand when negotiating with any potential ‘investors’ … I’m sure support is there from the community when/if required .


Lol just work for @Seneca :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s rollin!


Depends on the point of view. That’s going to be a fat stash in the not so distant future.


What the hell just happened Safex price? Massive dump

Too bad my buy order was just a tad bit lower than where it dumped to :frowning:

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uuh, got very lucky there, placed my bids 1-2h before the dump the lowest bid at 60 sats lol :slight_smile:


Has anybody thought of implementing a “barbell strategy” for cryptocurrency trading? If so, how did you go about it?

I’m talking about Nassim Taleb’s idea about splitting your portfolio into a very secure bigger half and a tiny, risky part. As I understand, the idea is that the secure, short term investments will be the basis for funding your risky, but much more profiting smaller half, most of which you will lose, but when you don’t, the sky’s the limit (they have to be investments that react to change asymmetrically in the right direction.)

Taleb uses options as an example for such asymmetric instruments: your losses are bounded, but your winnings are not; they are almost like underpriced lottery tickets (“underpriced” is the operative word here; one needs to consider what is and what isn’t.) If you buy enough different kinds of them (the more you can diversify the better), then with time and just by chance you are bound to end up with one or two that will explode enough to compensate for more than what you spent on not only those one or two, but all the rest together.

However, nobody offers options in crypto world. I’m not sure if it’s the best example for something similar, but a half-forgotten little altcoin has a much higher chance to get randomly pumped into 10x its value than that it suddenly loses 90% of it, so maybe it’s not that different.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I forgot to add that investing in MAIDs or ETHs or anything you stash away expecting their market cap will go way up belongs to the “risky long term investments” category as well, obviously. In fact, more so and more naturally than the “prepare for the occasional pump” idea from above.

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