MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

I’m missing your math here…at 80k btc should be in theory be around $5/maid or 2.5 billion MC?

The math, broken down:

  • $80K * ~18.5M BTC = ~$1.5T (1,4800,000,000,000 to be exact)
  • $1.5T * 5% = $74 B (I called this $75 B that’s a nice round number…, but let’s stick with $74B…)
  • $74 B/ 452 M MAID = $163.71 per MAID
  • With some wiggle room that’s a price >=$150 per MAID with a market cap of (to be more precise) $67.8B.

Unless you mean price of MAID in sats (i.e. MAID priced at 80K sats), which is an entirely different conversation


Nope I got ya, I didn’t realize you were simply targeting 5% of bitcoin MC. I happen to be on the boat that thinks we reach 300k btc before the run is over. Should be an interesting 18 months to be right or look very stupid in my forcast haha.

If BTC gets to $300K and MAID manages to achieve 5% of BTC’s MC at that time, that Alex dude would be right about MAID reaching ~$600. What a world that would be.


Hahaha. I actually didn’t even do that math which is funny because I’m simply predicting we do the same multiple or better than we we did from $1200 to $20k which is roughly 16.5x. I actually forgot about his prediction but perhaps it works out it in some wild way…I guess we still also don’t know how supply will be impacted once farming starts which could shake all these numbers up as well


I’ve never done those calculations @Sotros25. Just curious why you include MAID (or SN) capturing 5% market share of bitcoin. Do I have that right?

If it gets there then my god I bet we could do some damn good things.

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There was an article I was reading earlier that I can’t seem to find again that was talking about how defi projects have overall been a let down again so far, despite having some functional products although have reignited ico’s potentially again. Safe could very well slide into that defi category but with obviously a whole lot more to offer. As always, just a matter of release but the buzz could be very good and capture that kind of market cap under optimal conditions.

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Hypothetically, benchmarking relative (perceived) value. I hope 5% is an extraordinarily conservative estimate, haha. If the Safe Network and SN can do much of what we all speculate/believe it can one day do (e.g. decentralized storage, decentralized internet, dApp platform, smart contracting, distributed computing, secure communications, fast & low fee payments at scale, etc.) then capturing 5% of Bitcoin’s market cap seems not only achievable but an understatement.

Remember back in 2017 how everyone was talking about a “flippening” every time ETH approached 30-50% of BTC’s market cap? Assuming MaidSafe launches a Safe Network that delivers on just a fraction of the above mentioned use cases with strong indicators that the remaining use cases are viable/likely to come, then Flippening 2021 would be all about MAID/SN vs BTC, IMO. :smile:


Haha, I’ll eat my own socks if we get above 32 cents by June next year.

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My plan is to leave for somewhere cooler by next Florida Summer (which is basically 6.5 months out of the year), so I hope socks taste good—and that it goes way higher than 32 cents, or I’ll be tasting homelessness. (Yes I am banking that strongly on my predictions for MAID.) The heat down here is Hell. Even last year was 1 month less of suffering; now most of November has been awful as well. (So it’s gone from one from 5 months of torture to 6.5. Though 2003 apparently had its hurricane season last to December 11th.)

I think getting above 20 cents is going to be difficult


I just love these price projections and talk. Gets you all the excited for the big disappointment :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Has anyone here ever used the omni dex to trade MAID/USDT?

link is: Omniwallet™ - The Next Generation Wallet

Would anyone from say the US use it if there was MAID liqudity?

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Nice to see the bitcoin price of Maid also rising.

I really don’t think €1.20 is impossible.

Nice to think about the possible higher prices on launch… but we’ve seen €1.20 with much less before.

Now we’re close to a test net, and we have killer services like safegit being built…

There is an appetite for real private data out there.

We are all going to at least see €1.20.

I’m going to be brave and say, €1.20 by new years day.


Please provide a photo of the socks.
We may want to hold you to this.

Wasn’t John McAfee going to eat something as well?


And I would try such socks:


Silly me. I should have specified a photo of the socks being worn :slight_smile:

I would use it if there was liquidity. Right now people in the US have to pay a penny or so over spot.

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Thinking it will be difficult to make 20 cents is saying bitcoin won’t get to like 21-22k. Perhaps you think that will not happen.

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20 cents means breaking 1000 sats resistance and long term down trend. I still think it’s more likely to be 4 cents tomorrow than 20 cents.