MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

I use Polo regularly, only have good things to say about them ever since I used them. Had trouble with a btc deposit not crediting once but still in a week or two support worked it out and credited my account. Ever since Circle took them over they have been cleaning things up a bit(And yes 10 maid withdraw is still accurate).


Polo market depth chart… looks mad for anyone else?

Edit: Looks like just mobile page. Hmm.

Seems like usual to me.

I have been a long-time use of Poloniex and have no complaints whatsoever.


almost all buy orders and sell orders are gone on polo, very odd…

That is odd. Time to put in a lowball bid or two in case there is a fat finger :wink:

Considering the maidsafecoin has been around almost 5 years now, is it a healthy that 90%~ of the supply sits in about 1000 addresses? If the hands are so strong its surprising the price is so low.

They all appeared again at roughly the same time, so has someone got a huge Polo stash simply for price manipulation to accumulate more?

This is kinda like the server argument yes, no, possibly and depends :wink:

Not really enough data out there to indicate how distribution has played out in full since 2014.

The number of 100k+ wallets on Omni had from memory dropped maybe 20%ish overall up to early 2018 (come to think of it could be more), but then again it was only half the picture as Polo and Trex obscured the real numbers quite heavily.

Nah, tbh prolly more a tonne of factors with this project around progress, perception and lack of liquidity that has it back in the 3k sat range.

That’s perfectly fine though if your horizon is 5-10 years post launch. Distribution will play itself out for better or worse during that period.

In the meantime traders and short term speculators will continue to get frustrated as per the norm around here :laughing:


Kind of hoping @maidsafe waits to release SAFE-Fleming till late April-Early May. :crossed_fingers: Looks like markets will bottom out then and then we can start moving back up. Of course that’s based off of (I’d argue good) TA and even though things are ‘looking’ bullish right now and obviously TA is just an indicator not a crystal ball but I think it’d favor the price more after the crap hits the fan and then a Phoenix rises from the ashes in the form of a decade long technology being proven. Timing is everything. Just some brain meanderings. :grin:


Just to touch on this again. Might be a good idea for all of us to really keep a closer eye these next couple months and be cocked and loaded to enter. Hopefully markets don’t trade sideways at the bottom for long and we could all stand to gain and push things in the community along. Just don’t get too trigger happy :wink:

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Yep, I am also expecting an upside, at least a suckers rally that will fail and then start a bull market. It would be a surprise if halvening didn’t do anything positive/did something negative to the price.

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Buy the rumor, sell the news?

I think that kind of applies if you step out side of TA. I have a gut feeling it’s all manipulation masked by the recent growth in ‘fundamentals’ and people are thirsty for good news so it’d be easy to get them to bite. In other words a bull trap. Fundamentals or news based crypto insight seems like a veil that traders, market makers, manipulators hide behind imo. TA, volume, and long trends tell the story of what should/could be and about when.

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Very unexpected news with BTC bouncing back up, I was expecting a big drop (thank god I strongly believe shorting/leverage is stupid). This is beginning to look like 2015-16 sideway action rather than a bear/bull market…

I thought this was fun:

It shows how long MAID was near the top before the 2017 boom went nuts and left it behind.


We will reclaim a spot at the top table when/if network launches and meets whitepaper aspirations :+1: . SAFE is a forgotten underdog to many in crypto, probably a quality strong crypto investment at these levels regardless of ones interest in freedom of data through decentralization + anonymity. Would be nice to see MAID with a working product for the next crypto boom and maybe market cap will grow like ETH did in the 2017 craze. If I saw these coins go from $.13 cents (where they are now) to $30-60 USD I think I would fall out of my computer chair then quickly book a flight to MaidSafe HQ to meet the team that relieved all our financial burdens(and made the world a better place too obviously :wink:) :laughing: . Few rounds of beer and cheers would be in order, maybe even sample one of those Irn-Bru things I hear of hah.


The next Bitcoin boom (with other cryptos following) is likely to be in 2021, based on historical response to the four-yearly halving.

Bitcoin’s next halving is due around May 2020. In previous halvings the price started to move up prior to the halving date, in expectation, but has taken off subsequently as the effect of less newly minted coins every 10 minutes kicks in.

If the SafeNet project can be in BETA and fully available to the public before the beginning of 2021, then I believe the price of MAID/Safecoin will certainly benefit from the rising tide.


That’s only about 90 more weekly updates to go, in the absence of a timeline. Nah, I don’t think they will hit early 2021. Hope they do but then most of us thought that Alpha 3 would have been done by now. As long as they get the tech right and have the funds, 2022 is my wild guess

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Peoples projected timelines continue to grow. 2022 is 3 full years from now. I’ve always been for the slow progression to get it correct but if it takes 3-4 more years to deliver a beta product, SAFE will be left behind whether or not the technology is superior or not. I hope that is not the case.

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Any idea what is actually the biggest hurdle left? 3 years is a very long time to wait. :frowning:

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