Not “when”, but “if”.
Not only, the Safe Network, isn’t proven and is yet to go life, but it isn’t certain it will ever go life.
choose life
you wont be far wrong.
I agree, and won’t move my MaidSafeCoin over until the network is well tested. Though this constraint on early supply may help push Safecoin market cap higher.
Safecoin will be required to upload to the network from day 1. Even if people don’t move their life savings onto the network, if there’s significant demand for using the network, Safecoin demand will be high and the market cap of Safecoin could be very high very soon.
In the end it’ll just come down to supply & demand in a context of many people taking speculative positions in crypto assets.
I’m pretty sure that if the Safe network launches as a well functioning decentralised internet, with a brilliantly performing crypto currency, it can take off in value well ahead of being battle tested.
How battle tested is Cardano? Its market cap is 40x MAID’s today. What about EOS or IOTA? This market can be surprisingly optimistic about unproven technology it seems, and the SAFE network could quickly appeal to people beyond this crazy crypto market.
Cardano, EOS and IOTA are still fresh and exciting prospects. Several years ago when MAID also qualified as “fresh and exciting” it had the same relative cap, it was a top ten coin.
Yes, which shows that being ‘battle tested’ isn’t critical for a high market cap. The SAFE network on launch could easily be seen as a ‘fresh and exciting’ prospect, though with more substance to it.
Nobody knows what will happen, but a very high market cap very quickly is a very real possibility if the Safe network launches ahead of any major competition, performs well, and is accessible / easy to use.
That’s a few too many “ifs” to my liking, but I do not exclude the possibility for MAID going to da moon.
Nothing in crypto surprises me any longer.
When talking about the future, “ifs” are part of the deal
I agree that MAID’s price rocketing is only one possibility of many, and that crypto is a very unpredictable world!
I’ll make a prediction: anything with enough hype behind it will go to the moon, even if it is garbage.
If the Safe network gets enough support at the right time, it will moon.
Because the establishment media is doing most of the hype already, seeding peoples fears with constant stories about cyber terror, and third party facebook hacks, and business networks that are not secure, personal data loss, etc.
As soon as the Safe network goes live—and it will go live, most of the principle technology has been proven already—all that needs to be done is to connect the dots. Suddenly the world has a solution to it’s cyber security woes. And that is just the beginning.
Obviously I believe in this project, otherwise I wouldnt be here.
Say it aint so! Safecoin is ded? And may stay ded forever ?
Good ol’ Tone Vays. He is the guy who excoriates people for not reading Bitcoin’s whitepaper and understanding it. Here he is complaining about Golem and not understanding it based on an article from Coindesk!
Tone, read the dang Golem whitepaper.
I will say, a industry that should be targeted is porn
Probably not news to you, but Verge is targeting it.
I’m not following them, but I have to say this commercial is timed well (the release of it: Stormy Daniels…):
Brazzers Embraces Cryptocurrency: “The Future Just Came” (OFFICIAL COMMERCIAL) - ft. Stormy Daniels
Looks like maid is turning bullish again polo. It fixed that rising wedge scare without dumping. The low volume since the trex delist is still a bit worrying though. Either way, I have been buying like crazy since 3200 sats. What about you guys?
Nice to see Maidsafe in this very long list of crypto’s. A shame it’s only advertised as a storage system. I think there are many people in this space that either haven’t heard of maidsafe or don’t really know what it is. Let’s hope good marketing strategies in the coming months can change that.
Quite solid intro to the SAFEnetwork in the Reddit post. However, they said the network runs on “Blockchain-based storage solutions.” I made a comment to call out that one of the network’s biggest sources of competitive advantage—i.e., the ability to scale, increased speed as the network grows with no transaction fees—arises from the fact that it does not run on blockchain tech
Yes I noticed that too. Great work adding a comment to correct them.
Sure enough, the price around 3333 sat. was magically irresistable It has been a very strange feeling with MAIDSafe since I discovered it for myself mid 2017. The more I read about the fundamentals, the more interviews with David I watch or listen to, man if this is how the whole market is feeling about this thing under the hood… As with Monero, this is not a project I’m a strong supporter of because of the money.
The increasing price of Substratum relative to Maidsafe leads me to thinking the market considers that Substratum will deliver a successful product before Maidsafe. I’m not commenting on the quality of the 2 products, just something the marketing side of Maidsafe needs to consider
Price has increased for SUB for only 2 reasons.
- Changing of # of coins in circulation which pushed them up about 10 spots
- TV appearance approaching on one of the CNN channels on the 26th April.
Reasonable chance of a dump in the days/weeks after.
Tbh SUB can do it’s thing and launch a Beta tmrw, it’s subset is soooo different and inferior to what SAFE proposes, its really just a flashy distributed VPN that will likely end up still having issues regarding centralisation (they want to be able to vote out certain content arghhhh).
In a nutshell I think Maidsafe are sleeping pretty well at night knowing the real value long term and the success of their Company is going to be determined by utility not hype or speculation
… the market cap list?
What am I missing. The market should reflect changes in supply by adjusting the price in such way that the market cap remains the same.