MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

Some big money flying in we are almost in the top 50 again now, which should help the project profile. I have noticed that within the top 50 the gaps between projects starts to widen. I suspect this is due to investors spreading out to the top 50 for some diversity.

2$ might be today.
I have been telling every whale I meet about MAID.
Not saying at all the pump is thx to me. Just that I have been doing everything I can at my scale to get the price up now.
I am done accumulating an looking forward to seeing the price higher.

Happy new year guys!


Close to 1 Euro/MAID atm.
Happy new year indeed :birthday:


The price rise makes no sense to me at this stage, but who is going to argue with it. Is someone spreading rumours about Alpha 3 release?

We need more visibility so if it has to go by a higher price, letā€™s do it.
We absolutely need to remain in the top 50.

The price must be defended by pumping shilling or whatever mean if we donā€™t want to fall into oblivion.
I am not taking about spreading rumors, just defend the bloody top 50. Itā€™s the strict minimum imo.


I dont disagree with you.

I agree. Itā€™s naive to think that price doesnā€™t matter. The market cap isnā€™t only a monetary measure but also an image.
Marketing has been a hot topic lately. Well, no mater how hard we try, I think we would struggle to sell MaidSafe if it continued to slide down the ladder out of top sixty and maybe one hundred one day. On the other hand, being in top ten, where MaidSafe used to be, is an advertisement on its own.


There is a strong debate constantly happening in regard to Marketing (e.g. see Preparing a coordinated marketing campaign) and whether we should broaden our horizons in terms of attracting people now or wait until its closer to launch. I am not unbiased in this debate but would like to keep the debate in other threads and focus on poll responses on here. Judging by 2017, a year where we went from top 10 (
Historical Snapshot - 01 January 2017 | CoinMarketCap) to under top 50, if we continue to neglect reaching out to the wider crypto community we will continue to slide down. So my question is where do we want to be this year; if you donā€™t care about marketing then does this have a floor and where is this floor at.

  1. Top 10

  2. Top 25

  3. Top 50

  4. Top 100

  5. Top 250

  6. Top 500

  7. Doesnā€™t matter how low down we sink this year even if we go below top 500

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Joeā€™s Poll (Joe use the settings wheel in the posting box to add a poll)

  • Top 10
  • Top 25
  • Top 50
  • Top 100
  • Top 250
  • Top 500
  • Doesnā€™t matter how low down we sink this year even if we go below top 500
0 voters
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I am going for 2. Top 25. I think we shouldā€™t sink below 50 and that sinking below 100 would be a disaster.


I pretty much agree. Below the top 50 and you start to get lost in the weeds and it will be harder to bw taken seriously and gain fresh interest, IMO. This is about perception of activity and progress as much as anything else.

I would hope for top 10 around launch, mind.


Ok sorry, Iā€™m quoting myself, but it looks like I was pretty close! Happy New Year! :tada:


This is ture. Now we have some momentum we need to push forward with some excellent marketing. There are a lot of great ideas on the forum already, time to put this into practice.

I know a lot of investors who want to jump into MAID this year, and I think itā€™s going to happen. Lets get the word out. We all know MAID is going to the moon soon. Cheers!


Iā€™d be very happy if MAID were to return to the top 10 ahead of launch, and why not with IOTA and ADA up there, but while pre-launch development is ongoing, Iā€™m not particularly bothered about it.

Once the Safe network ia ready, I want it to become number 1, and expect it may well do if it performs well.

Whether MAID shoots to number 1 from 50, 5, or 500 doesnā€™t really bother me, but having world changing technology that works does.

Iā€™d prefer my holdings to be worth more on paper now, and attracting devs may well be easier with more exposure, but the most important factor is getting the tech to the finishing line, which can happen irrespective of market cap ranking.

What happens after the tech is ready is another matter. Marketing will become critical for adoption. Why I donā€™t see rank as critical, I would certainly encourage anything that raises awareness of what SAFE can become, including activities that may lead it to rise up the market cap ranks.


Itā€™ll hit $10 this year. If not more.


How many devs do Maidsafe have on board and what is the preferred number they are aiming for?

Iā€™m not sure, but expect theyā€™ve got close to the right number. When working on complex problems that have uncertain outcomes & solutions, throwing more devs at a project wonā€™t always be worthwhile, and could become counterproductive.

So for the core of the project, Iā€™m not sure whether many more devs would be a great help (though theyā€™re are working on recruiting some who they expect to help them progress)ā€¦ but Iā€™m just guessing - David Irvine or Viv could answer meaningfully!

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Thanks. I really meant how many app developers are on board and how many would they prefer to have

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Sorry for misunderstanding!

I guess with app developers itā€™s the more the merrierā€¦ with the Alpha network running, the higher the quality & diversity of apps, the stronger the SAFE network offering becomes.

Perhaps a few keen app devs is optimal at this stage while the Alpha network is limited (put restrictions, forum members only, IP whitelist) & APIs are still works in progress, but on balance Iā€™d expect more app devs to bring more value to the project.

@Cryptoskeptic, Iā€™d say that Maidsafe are not really looking for app devs to employ (yet). But as @DavidMc0 says the more the merrier since they work independently to Maidsafe.

The app devs who start now are more likely to be successful when the network launches since they have the opportunity to have a much more polished App and a chance at getting the upper hand on the SAFE network before the established companies on the current web find out that SAFE is taking over.

Maidsafe though are writing specific modules and like cooks in a kitchen you can only have so many before they start falling over themselves.