Hypothetically, benchmarking relative (perceived) value. I hope 5% is an extraordinarily conservative estimate, haha. If the Safe Network and SN can do much of what we all speculate/believe it can one day do (e.g. decentralized storage, decentralized internet, dApp platform, smart contracting, distributed computing, secure communications, fast & low fee payments at scale, etc.) then capturing 5% of Bitcoin’s market cap seems not only achievable but an understatement.
Remember back in 2017 how everyone was talking about a “flippening” every time ETH approached 30-50% of BTC’s market cap? Assuming MaidSafe launches a Safe Network that delivers on just a fraction of the above mentioned use cases with strong indicators that the remaining use cases are viable/likely to come, then Flippening 2021 would be all about MAID/SN vs BTC, IMO.