MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

Want a hug? I feel no resentment towards you. Come here you!


Talking about sociopaths, I believe the term goes very well with you yourself :+1:

PS Guys, how can I block this moron?


What are you basing the theory that David is untrustworthy on?


Nah thanks, I have just put the ceo on ignore, haha.

One thing important though, even the ceo now admits it’s not guaranteed to ever work. Imagine hearing something like this before the ico, or before the “loan opportunity”.

This is actually pretty unfortunate and hints at preparing us for a disappointment. Too late, but thanks anyway.

Please, everyone, do not under any circumstances sell your coins to this troll. I am sure it’s his MO to try and get the price down, but a ton then tell us all how smart he is and we are all dafties. I know folk will likely know this, but just in case, it is a typically scammy thing to do and many do, unfortunately, but don’t fall for it, please. We have better things to be getting on with.


I would never have considered this project for a second if there were guarantees like what you seem to be looking for. That’s what scams promise.


Well that was the worst offender of anything on the Internet I’ve ever read. Ignored forever. Little peon lol. Never not going to ignore, either. I’ve been apart of way too many people like that, and that’s like 100% polarity of the worst kind of person. If that’s trolling then damn that’s some desperation going to such ends. I eternally encourage every single person to set ignore on him. I’ve never ignored anyone before, actually.


Yeah, believe. Belief is the strongest factor in any cult. If we judge by behavior, sociopaths are nothing like me and a lot like ceo.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out. I’m gonna write a piece on this in any case. The Dangerous Network - the biggest and longest potential crypto scam nobody talks about.

Hahahaha clown

This is ludicrous. Could we have an ignore option please.

I have no Maidsafecoin and internet here is slow. I am going to invest $300 a month on severs to get Safe Network Tokens.

Profile, preferences, users, mute me, lol.

Takes even more to build a decentralised internet :+1:t2:

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Stoke it, Johnny, stroke it…

Meanwhile back out of the basement… Ignoring trolls and other undesireables


I need to make numbers for the treasury next year …
if the maids are not sold now, how much can they revalue at 12-31-21?

Thanks. Appreciate it.:+1:


With the pre-Beta test net coming out and later this year a fully functional Beta, I think you will be looking at a $10 coin with a pessimistic view. So I am not selling :grin:


I like waveman352’s projection at $600 much better. :upside_down_face:


I agree with you that 10 Usd is a realistic target this year if we get Beta within 6 months. If we get a big hype cycle then I can see much higher prices.