MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussion of Covid-19 information (No holds barred)

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With this in place (and this is the way we are coding, but I have not been clear on why as much as I could have (too busy)) we have the infrastructure, if not the API/ABI to handle plugins. We have the rules and assertions in place to handle conflicts etc.

! Iā€™ve often wondered why there couldnā€™t be plugins, and it turns out it is an option. This feature alone with untraceable broadcast and safe data is a dinosaur killer. Itā€™s always been ā€˜easy enoughā€™ to hook up something to the CLI/FFI and get external visibility into the network, but using plugins/gates/external services from the network opens a whole new level of possibilities.

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Probably because few are trying to market a temporary substitute for a real product to be introduced sometime in the future.

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Everything youā€™ve said previous indicates the exact opposite. And to be perfectly clear here, I am a supporter of this project, you, and the team you lead for years, still am. That all said, Iā€™m glad you arenā€™t letting the communityā€™s effort to grow itself in support of the team and longevity of the projects development go to a complete waste. If not now, then use it shortly after launch.

Please donā€™t act like we are unreasonable people David. If we were unreasonable we wouldnā€™t be so understanding of the difficulties posed by developing such a potentially world changing technology and we would have said nasty things and left or trilled endlessly out of bitterness like others have. Weā€™re trying to help. Help us help you, is literally all we were asking for. If you really are working on the listings then just say so. Itā€™s that easy. The previous posts about the red tape and itā€™s not part of launch and itā€™s 100% launch, not 99% launch, tells a completely different story so apologies for getting confused and frustrated.

Iā€™m backing out of the discussions and focusing on my own stuff. The sooner we get a working network, the more helpful I can be.


We are, also HR/PR/Business extension and a whole load of other things.

I donā€™t but I would qualify this, itā€™s not the community and me. The community has amazing supportive folk, it also has unreasonable people and scammers, well all know this.

We have already been communicating with @Sotros25 on exactly this, thereā€™s a whole bunch of points to go over and we are in an email convo about them. 1st one Bitfinex for example has a list of requirements that are significantly substantial, and thatā€™s round 1.

I am always grateful for that and appreciate it. You guys did a bunch of work, I have said consistently about that work that itā€™s appreciated and how thankful I am.

Whatā€™s happened is others get involved so we have

  • List now or the projects dead
  • erc20 now or the projects dead
  • erc20 is critical for network to survive

and loads more.

Somewhere a couple of folk who did a load of work feel aggrieved and I donā€™t know why, we have conveyed off-forum that we are working on the data provided. I have told people we do look at listings where we can and thatā€™s the hard truth. There is no difference, however, we are 100% launch focussed, but we still look at listing, pay salaries and all the usual business activities you would expect.

I am oblivious to the feeling I have thrown this in anyone face. Itā€™s been our position for over a year. Looking after the community and our investors is a top priority at all times for me and the team. That has never before really been questioned and I cannot see why it is now?

[edit, I should say though the ā€œhow can we hold you accountableā€ and let us see the steps you are taking and that kind of thing is an example of when the community get involved too much in company business that really cannot be shared without breaking corporate confidences. I donā€™t mean that in a bad way but the direction of travel of the listing is heading that way and it wonā€™t work. So where the community can do stuff itā€™s amazing when maidsafe have to for some weird corporate reasons then itā€™s tricky.]


I suspect that David is rightly cautious when he posts about how much he says of what is happening behind the scenes. Sometimes that leads to confusion. So be it, Iā€™m not going to criticise David if some confusion arises now and again when heā€™s so willing to engage and so forthcoming. Most companies and founders would say a hell of a lot less, and not engage at all in this kind of discussion. Itā€™s a different approach here and frankly weā€™re not used to being allowed so close, or valued and listened to so much by the CEO of a company doing such amazing and, fingers crossed, world changing work. What an honour!


I think weā€™re all just pissed off at the cold hard truth of how crooked this entire space has become. Letā€™s build a DEX on safe and watch the old world burn, most blockchains included.


Now thereā€™s something we can all get behind and the team should be able to provide :wink:


Perhaps, but I know we will provide the tools for somebody to.

Hereā€™s an example of a day in the life.

Less than 1 hour ago I sent a brief to an MBA school (2nd in UK 7th in World) for an outline in commercialising safecoin in ways that are community led/friendly. I made the brief quite open, but focussed on a true utility token that may or may not be tradable on typical exchanges and perhaps not even crypto exchanges, but not to rule that out. I wonā€™t go into all the detail, but this kind of thing is constant, we are always looking, prodding, testing and hopefully finding the path not trodden on many occasions.

If we had the need to create a DEX team, we would certainly be able to do so. Some may be existing Engineers, but likely the legals and admin side would require a ton of work (MBA folks as a start for research) and then the community angle protections need to be concrete.

Letā€™s see what these things bring to the table as we launch.


If it was as simple as something like Uniswap rather than a company then I doubt there would be need for all the legal stuff. Itā€™s just code and code is free speech but something worth looking into.


If the company (MaidSafe) or David is involved it will require legal stuff. When people ignore that, bad things can happen.


Ha! Casual as you like, just dropped in the price threadā€¦ :rofl:

Thanks for all your hard work @dirvine and keep pulling those arrows out of your back!

Iā€™ve decided I need to read CRDT white paper linked from the repo. I feel like I have some catching up to do with some of this stuff, but Iā€™m enjoying having a bit more time to dig into it!

I feel it will compliment my journey through the source code. With things starting to stabilise, understanding how the current implementation works seems like time well spent!


HAHA! Nigel, I have made a command decision and confer upon you ā€œPost of the Day!ā€ :sunglasses: :fist_right:t2: :fist_left:t2:


Indeed, it has become a seething hyper inflated crypto bubble, of rapacious scratching and clawing for the next moon, which dangles like a carrot on a stick, and minted in crypto gold. But the carrot is an illusion. I believe Safe will bring some fundamental common sense reality to the space, which is direly needed.


I think this is a specious line of reasoning. Kind of like: I left the lit match near an open gasoline can but donā€™t blame me, I wasnā€™t there.

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Please do not speak on behalf of the community like that. I have no interest in taking time away from MaidSafeā€™s focus on launching the network, in any way, and after reading this I feel I should make that clear to you. I appreciate that it must be frustrating not to be able to easily buy Maid at the moment for you in the US, and in general I appreciate a lot of your input on here on the forum, but donā€™t hide your wishes behind the community please.

I am also a community member here and absolutely disagree that that is a good idea, or fair, or reasonable, to ask that of MaidSafe. I donā€™t even think that strategically it is a good idea, with testnets so close. If any one of us could click our fingers and Maid was on a few big exchanges, weā€™d do it, but as has been explained at length, it apparently isnā€™t so simple.


I get where you are coming from.
I spoke for myself and those that I represent in the community. My wishes are not hidden behind anything. They are out in the open as clear as I can make them. I felt I had to say what I said.