MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

This is the reason I support @Sotros25 effort. It’s not about chasing a dragon to me, it’s about people seeing the ticker MAID on an exchange and wondering what it is, seeing it perform well or climbing the ranks of CMC and looking into the project, or knowing the project and telling friends and an exchange where they can get in and be a part of it, to become invested and have skin in the game which often helps drive awareness.
People are driven by potential and one part of that is financial and it’s not inherently evil, otherwise the network wouldn’t even give rewards to farmers.
I don’t want to get in the way of development but man this is a bit like getting the wind knocked out of you.

Oh well, I guess. Hopefully this doesn’t sound too dramatic but someone build a damn DEX or online marketplace for launch cause we’re going to need to come out of launch swinging with this kind of set back.

I’m going to focus more on how I can help from an app angle. If I can do more then dammit I will. I hope others can too.

As much as I wish we could have both…
Keep trucking Maidsafe. The network comes first.


This cannot be emphasized enough. At this point it almost seems like negligence to suggest anyone acquire MAID.

I find the recently expressed sentiments quite disheartening and worrisome. I hope the effort to support the community’s desire to get MAID listed on more exchanges hasn’t been in vain.

No one is suggesting the devs stop developing. Their time isn’t really needed to get listed on exchanges. Some of David’s time would be—particularly if he doesn’t hire someone to manage the process. If it’s about taking time from actively managing the devs (who are all remote it seems), don’t the devs have Fridays off, thus opening up time?

Even then, investing the resources to get listed on one reputable exchange would be a sunk cost with scaling rewards. For example, once MaidSafe gets a legal opinion from a US lawyer specializing in crypto that MAID is not a security, that opinion could be leveraged to list on multiple exchanges. The hardest challenge will be getting listed on the first reputable exchange. After that, it will be come a more efficiently scalable and repeatable operation.

We can have both. I think we’re being presented with a false constraint. Why is it that if every other dApp platform, storage and web3 project in the top 200 can be listed on at least 30 exchanges on average, MaidSafe can only manage to be listed on 2? And at that, 2 of the worst exchanges out there. Something isn’t adding up here.

So far, over 600 people have taken the survey I fielded. The majority believe that token price and listing on a broad range of exchanges is either important or very important. Only 8% say price isn’t important. Less than 6% say listing on a broad range of exchanges isn’t important. 70% of people who took the survey identify as consumers—so this isn’t just about those who consider themselves traders/investors. For MaidSafe and the Safe Network to have relevance, getting listed on additional exchanges is imperative.

In terms of which exchanges, so far the most requested is Bitfinex. People also would be happy with Bitstamp, Binance, Coinbase, Gemini, Kraken, Bittrex, KuCoin, and Huobi. Just listing on a few of these exchanges would greatly change the narrative and keep MAID relevant, rather than sailing out of the top 200.

Today we heard that the next release could be in 6 weeks or 6 months. I don’t think investing time to get listed on an exchange or two is what’s going to determine when the next release comes out, but it could give people hope in the meantime.


I realize Maidsafe has a legal fiduciary responsibility to their investors, first. It’s the same in the US. I would argue getting access to good exchanges is in the best interest of the investors.

If there is no exposure or access to MAID, the whole project is in danger regardless of how good the end product may be. It seems like Maidsafe is working under the “Field of Dreams” mantra. “If we build it, they will come.”

That’s the hope, but it leaves a lot up in the air. I realize Maidsafe wasted a lot of time and money on marketing when they weren’t ready over the past few years. If the story now is that we are a few weeks to a few months away from a near feature complete product (even if buggy), we are now behind the 8 ball in marketing. Now is the time to beat the drum for MAID and get it accessible. After all, doesn’t Maidsafe still hold a good deal of MAID for funding? It only helps the company to drive up the price.

Hopefully those US references and idioms translate, but I assume they can be understood in context.


Aye and keep it that way :slight_smile:


Folks I am astonished to be honest. Our priority is launch, that is it. We are doing work and negotiating with people to get listed. We have taken the communities work and are running with it.

Seriously confused here, do you want more, do we want instant list in top exchanges right now!! did I miss the batman light? Are you not entertained yet?

Do folk want us to ignore the community effort here?

Here we are being told listing helps the project (no shit Sherlock) and we are doing work there building on the community effort. That’s the deal in this project, we include everyone.

The effort of providing all the evidence and data as well as negotiating with each of these exchanges is being seriously undervalued.

I don’t get it, folks, I have missed this one, there are folk who are close to lecturing us on just how simple this all is, it’s almost nothing, all the works done.

We had people full time working to try and get listed on exchanges for over a year, we know how important and time consuming it is. (don’t expect these negotiations to be quick BTW our experience is many months)

To simplify this and say just hire folk to get listed and do it now is offensive and missing the mark by a long long way. We get approached by many folks per week, listing consultants! Folk are making careers out of this stuff. Plus the exchanges want a Director to negotiate with, we cannot hire a listing director off the street easily (see how silly this is getting)

I think people need to calm down to a frenzy at least. We are doing work, it’s company confidential (for the exchanges) and somebody needs to tell me what’s missing here.

Listing is not though and will not be our priority, launch is and I cannot repeat that enough.

I was working on a pretty important thing last evening and I need to get me head back into it again, hopefully, I can over the weekend, but this whole conversation feels wrong on so many levels. Full of misconceptions, accusations, lectures and mistrust. I don’t work in that area folk and we as a community are better than that.

For the avoidance of doubt, last year after a helluva kicking I spent the whole xmas and new year holidays (And more) working closely with @frabrunelle to get us on an exchange. We put up our own liquidity and more. 100% of focus during those holidays was an exchange listing. I think it should be very clear what we would give to list. Right when I for one needed a break to recharge it was all list and man the effort is not zero, even when the listing is green lighted by both parties.


I can imagine the stress and presure you must be under David.

I think the community has to take a step back and admit that our stress is way less of a burden, than the stress the Maidsafe team is experiencing.

Sotros is busy getting Maid listed on several exchanges while Maidsafe is very busy getting an amazing testnet ready.

I am sure that Maidsafe will commit to pay a reasonable fee to give Maidsafe the visibility it deserves adding a good exchange.

So lets relax and count our blessings.

All efforts will bear fruit soon.

PS also dont forget what Deus Nexus is doing for Maid to get us on DEXs by creating the bridge to ETH, i see bright lights everywhere :star_struck:


I read it differently. I think the next testnet will be ASAP and after that there is minimum of 6 weeks to beta.


You read it correctly :smiley:


Yes me too


We certainly would. The work after a completed application is months long. The reason being there is always a cost and it’s best to not mention till last minute then drop a 6 figure bombshell, they come in many flavours, market makers, airdrops and more but this is why the negotiation takes a while. Like the double glazing sales pull them in get them ready and strike. You cannot do that up front, you need to take the time to nurture your prey :wink:

However a working network is a different beast.

So lets say a top exchange listing is 9 months (could easily be that given our own findings and significant manpower extended in this exact area).

Then erc20 - how long is that off ?
What about safecoin real?

This is all interconnected really.


David, this is both amazing and I want to tell you off for doing it. I don’t think anyone here knew this, or has any idea what is involved in you doing your role. I think that’s why the above discussion got out of hand (but still respectful on all sides - great community :pray: ).

I suspect “were doing everything we can” / “100% launch” / “listing takes away from launch” was taken to mean “MaidSafe simply don’t have the resources for this”, when in fact you’ve never stopped working on exchange listings, and are indeed doing work based on the effort by @Sotros25.

Now this is clear I hope folks will be on the same page again and can step back to realise this was at least in part a misunderstanding.

I think there’s a problem that so much of what you and MaidSafe do has to be kept to yourself, and very few in the community know enough about that and the person you are David.

To everyone, especially those who don’t know or trust David (at least in this) there’s not much I can say other than over time I think I’ve got a reliable sense of the integrity and values of David and that’s the basis for both my being here and not worrying about the money. Or the runway. Or what if bittrex de-listed etc etc.

I’ve watched David, literally from day one of the crowdsale take a disastrous situation and get through it, and keep this project going. If you don’t know in detail what happened that day, you’ve missed a very useful insight into David. The project could have died on that day, or been very seriously damaged, but it came out well and I doubt even those of us who followed that day know the full story (I look forward to hearing it one day of I’m lucky enough to share a walk or a beer with David - though on reflection I doubt either of us will be interested in that then!).

But I’ve seen other examples, every time things have looked bad David and MaidSafe find a way through. So I recognise that David deserves my trust and just do what I can to help, and I try to minimise the load I personally put on him and the team.

I’ve got trust wrong in the past, so I’m not saying I’m foolproof, but I’ve also got things like this right several times when it really mattered. I chose to stick with or get away from key people at various times in my career, and my call on David and this project is already right in more than one way for me personally.

I’m hopeful that this discussion will continue without causing folks too much anxiety or frustration, while also letting David focus on launch. If people don’t realise it, that isn’t easy work and requires a lot of his time if launch is going to happen as soon as possible.


This is true, I suspect people here have a wrong notion or I explain badly. However some really helpful community members did a ton of work and it’s being read as me somehow throwing that away and it’s the opposite. I am trying to offer perspective and show the background work is immense.

Myself and I’m sure the whole community appreciate the work @Josh @Sotros25 @Nigel and others have done here. It may come to nothing, we just don’t know, but that’s business. We sometimes have to ride 3 or 4 horses at one race.

So the message is not thanks for nothing, it’s massive thanks for a load of work. However, that work is part of a much bigger picture and has to be factored in and done so with our knowledge of past experiences with trying to list an omni token on an unreleased project on some exchange. Dug and Nick spent massive amounts of time on this kind of work. That included input from others and the board and frankly got us nowhere. Not that applications were not filled in, they certainly were.

Seeing that side is eye-opening.

In any case so close to launch all we can do is progress these applications after we complete them (which is more work for us in house).

So the message is thanks for the work, but please don’t underestimate the effort/reward ratio here, it’s grim.

Any application will slow down launch and that is absolute and unarguable.

So we must balance that with being on the precipice of a working feature complete network. At this stage balancing precariously, who wants to be the person that shifts a wee bit to the right or left?


Nice, again this is a great feature of CRDT data types. So basically the network handles these, get’s consensus etc. Other types may need stricter order (no forks) and that’s cool, we have BRB to overcome the lack of commutativity in those types.

I think you will feel this one now, we have the structure of CRDT types and the backup of BRB for those that cannot be commutative.

These are pretty much generic right now, where the business logic for resolution of conflicts is a trait (generic part of code).

With this in place (and this is the way we are coding, but I have not been clear on why as much as I could have (too busy)) we have the infrastructure, if not the API/ABI to handle plugins. We have the rules and assertions in place to handle conflicts etc.

That allows us to allow more data types and associated logic to be almost loaded.

If we take that further we have an infrastructure to handle limited computation (the business logic parts) with “safe/consistent/conflict free” data. This allows for a domain specific language (DSL) but one that guarantees data. Safe ensure the data is secure and available by default, but we are close to programmable data.


It really looks like that right now your focus is not where it should be. Way too much time spent here on the forum. I wonder if other ceos also spent so much time talking to the community.



Greedy speculators is the answer IMHO. Forget exchanges, focus on the engineering. I say that as someone from the US who’s unable to buy as much MAID as I’d like to.


I think it’s a mix, some community members have done a ton of great work (at a significant time cost to them) and it’s really good, but that’s perhaps jumped on a wee bit and skewed. We will progress this one, but only in as much as we can balance with launch. To me launch is everything right now.


I doubt it, it comes at a cost for sure. I get a lot from it though and so do the team. My life for the past year is slack (the most important part is here)/internal discourse and here. A balancing act but a price I happily pay to get this job done.


I am all about fundamentals but from a TA perspective (which a large amount and investors/traders consider) if Maid was to put a lower high in the long term bull market (i.e. if we didn’t put in a new higher high), this would be pretty bad news for the price. So I guess what I am saying is make sure to pump it up to at least $2 before the bubble bursts guys :smiley:

“The best captains are on shore.”


Can we not do the Covid anti vaxx stuff here? It’s OT. There are plenty of other threads for that stuff.