MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

China, no invasion: sanctions would destroy them far more than they have done in Russian. China is the biggest beneficiary of globalization. They import almost everything. An invasion would mean sanctions, would mean famine, and total political destabilization. Demographic decline is a bigger problem for China.

Ukraine has Russian on the run at the moment.

The Middle East is always at each other’s throats, nothing new there, it’s cyclical in nature, and no one can save them.

Bigger problem is de-globalization.

The USA has kept the peace on the ocean’s waters to thwart the soviet union, which no longer exists, in order to shore up alleys around the world with peace, stability, and trade. That deal is soon to be done.

The US has gone populist, and no longer wants to be the world’s policeman.

So piracy, on a much larger scale, is to come. Those country’s that don’t have a navy are in trouble.

Yes, much is about to change, but change is not always a bad thing. It is hard to see the bigger picture, as new alliances are formed, new empires built. Go Autonomi!


Just been dancing for the last 9 days at ozora in hungary, with 35k ppl all hoping for the same.

Us party folk are raising gaia vibration globally and will continure to do do for years to come

Focus on the positives !


Concerns over Iran-Israel war. If Iran causes shutdown of the straight, then oil prices will go up a lot. The stock meltdown seems to have started in Japan and they are very sensitive to oil price as they import all of it.

But now that Japan has triggered this, it will likely drive massive selling around the globe today.

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When will be the bottom?

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When those with money see bargains and start buying back in, stopping the bleeding. A day or three at most I reckon.

But this will have shocked many, so will take two or three months to fully shake out and stabilize.

Like having a large earthquake, there will likely be many aftershocks.

  1. Cant be lower.

No negative? thats good news!


You could be the exception?

Wanna pay anyone to take your stash?


The area around 0.34 (on the Bitmart chart) is the 78% Fibonacci retracement, and a little lower support on the monthly candles, i.e. the end of the February candle and the beginning of the March candle, these are potential levels where we can go down… Of course, this is just technical analysis nothing more!

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Black Monday or Nothingburger Monday?

i vote burger
(When was the last time there was a crash leading into an American presidential election?)

Heart goes out to all the victims of this debt/war based system, its sickening,but this place cheers me up :slightly_smiling_face:)


Went in to buy some emaid just now, but whoa, gas fees are through the roof! Eth is a busy network right now - not surprising given what’s going on, just caught me off guard.


I think we might very soon start to see price moving upwards.

It seems to me that the connectivity issues might become thing of a past upon next release, as LibP2P has finally gotten things straight on that front. I’m not sure what is the significance of that, and I may be exaggerating, but in my opinion the development of the whole Autonomi system will take quantum leaps forward once the connections can be trusted to work. Or to fail due to real problems regarding specific nodes,in a consistent manner, and not due to some unpredictable, on intermittent buggy behaviour of the software.


I hope so. I’m excited for when the basic network is stabilised and performing well enough that focus can shift to visible uses of the network (websites, messaging, wallets & easy transactions etc).

When the network is shown to work, and shown to do some cool stuff, I expect interest and excitement will quickly grow.

We will see when this begins to happen, but I hope it’s not too long!


@KafkaLee meet in Off-topic

Mods: sorry for polluting this thread.

Ignorance (genuine or wilful) must be combatted however,

Pushed my trade through just now - gas fees are back to normal.

I’d like to thank any of you who sold and gave me such a wonderfully bargain basement price! :heart_eyes: :heart: :heartpulse:


Definitely looks like the time to pick up some coins if you were looking to buy.


I didn’t put all the cows into the eMAID pasture, but going to edge back in at the lower prices.

Most of my holding is in MAID which isn’t going anywhere until after launch.


It is possible that there will be yet dynamic declines today, but yesterday was a day for token purchases, it is good to have the currency prepared early for such bargain purchases, as there is always a dynamic change in prices accompanied by an increase in gas fees. Those who wait for lower fees often make the mistake of not buying when the time is right.

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For those depressed about the price depression, check this out and note that any buy >$3k could bring the price to $0.80 - the market is that thin…


Unless you buy on Uniswap :slight_smile: