MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

I hope you’re right but from where we sit now…that seems like a lightning hat prediction as well. I own a little of everything, better age then sorry.

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We use the word “ban” too loosely, like it means something. How will they confiscate it? Prople aren’t using it now transactionally, so no worries there. What happens to a company like coinbase, it goes to zero Bc the govt declares their business to be illegal? The blanket use of the term is not well thought. Additionally, guidance has all been to the contrary recently.

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The (sometimes) richest man in the world, Elon Musk, is a big crypto proponent and he carries big weight with a lot of government types. Coinbase is about to go public, and their market cap/valuation is said to be $70B+, potentially even hitting $100B by the time it is public. It would instantly become one of the largest, most powerful companies in the world, and is a US based company. Shutting down a $100B business in the US would be a mountain to climb, even with pressure from the traditional banking system.

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Exactly what I just said about coinbase above, the ban argument gets more frail by the day.

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This was brought to light under a Secretary of Treasury that is gone. While they tried push it through in the closing hours of the administration, it was stopped because proper time wasn’t given for review. Since then more crypto people have been seated in the NYDiG and other regulatory bodies. This is old news.

I personally think the current regime in the USA is far more totalitarian than the prior, so I don’t think the landscape has changed in favor of crypto currency.

I think what antifragile’s point is, is that if they don’t tame this beast quickly, it will be more complicated over time. Now the 2 trillion marketcap for crypto is nothing, they print it with the stripe of a pen, so if a ban would occur, it will be sooner, than later.

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I think regimes across the world are being more exposed with today’s media and social media then they were in the last. Just my opinion.

I don’t agree with that. Everything that goes against the narrative gets blocked by the social media platforms. It is very biased.

Depends what side

They can only be biased towards one side. The bias is towards socialism/facism/communism

Do you have any more like that?
I know a guy who is looking to book stand-up comics for the post-COVID comic tours.

I’m thinking of marketing a mirror-on-a-stick so the elderly can check for Reds under their beds without too much stooping.


This is one of the more bizarre comments.

Yes it is one of the more bizar comments I have read, I mean yours. I am not going to try to make blind man see.


People on the forum who live in former communist/fascist countries can recognise the changing face of the former free West. Authoritarian regimes now dominate the major powers and the West is crumbling financially.
Dark days ahead for sure.
I just hope the coming Safenet testnet works. The price impact on Maid should go in one direction if it does work. I don’t even want to contemplate the other possibility


Meanwhile In Scotland we get this pish image

You might be forgiven for thinking some kind of election was coming up.

Where does the fact that Bitcoin has mining machines across the world play into this? The price of gpu has gone up a lot, so after a crisis there will still now be a bunch of mining still in operation, way more than ever before. I don’t even like Btc because of all the inefficiencies, and potential for control (i.e. actually used for nefarious purposes by the people who “want to ban it”, instead of banning it, let alone all the environmental problems it poses/has) that it has, but is it here to stay at least a little bit longer than whatever can be pulled against it? Because of the extreme amount of mining hardware that acts as a buffer by providing continued functionality/basis of future infrastructure.

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Is that a double bottom on the daily chart?


The private and anonymity coins are easy to use once you have them in a wallet, but Bitcoin is mostly used in large transactions all the time and there is nothing stopping exchanges without KYC and mixers to keep anonymity of Bitcoin and other currencies.
I do not know what people forced to pay tax with their verified wallet will do,but anyone willing to hide own wealth need only little study to protect it from government.

What are these private and anonymous coins you speak of?

I can name only Monero as has well secured network.