MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

Really hoping we can get testnet out in this crypto market - coins with little or no intrinsic value are exploding! Imagine what could happen with a really impressive testnet in public view.


Wellā€¦ i had a feeling maid would drop below 15 cents a while backā€¦ it hit 4cencts haha

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How many coins actually pump in a bear market even if the fundamentals are good?

I think the best chance is that when this bullrun is over that the drawdown is not the same giving maid a chance to catch some fire. Perhaps thatā€™s all wishful thinking.

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Not sure where you are from, as a US resident I think we are actually making steps (albeit small steps) towards greater crypto acceptance. It reminds me very much of how cannabis and sports wagering has been treated here. Both had federal bans or stipulations against them. They have now been dragged out of the dark not by the federal govt but by municipalities and states that challenged the status quo of federal oversight. You can claim that currency is different then cannabis or sports betting however we are seeing a trend here. If individual states can have an upper or equitable hand through allowing some of these activities then certain places will accept that benefit. I feel very comfortable that the US will not ban crypto, there is too much for everyone to lose by doing so.


Said on the day PayPal allows crypto payments at its 29 million vendors it works with. And thatā€™s only itā€™s USA customers.

I think itā€™s game over for the ban idea.


The first half of your first paragraph is true and then it just unraveled. This is not 1940. People are mobile and when one place says ā€œwe will ban thisā€ itā€™s an opportunity for someone else to become the torch bearer and welcome those people. Sure governments will tax crypto but they are going to be met with great resistance if they expect people to pay on unrealized capitals gains that they canā€™t even account for. I understand your way of thinking but a large majority of what you said is unfounded paranoia.

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I agree with you. Gold/Silver will be the last standing.

The Elite are in an accumulation phase. They are selling their stocks and are converting the cash into as much physical precious metals as they can lay their hands on.

The Stock and COMEX markets are being manipulated with the same Central Bank printed money, given to and managed by companies like Black Rock. They in turn buy the stocks from their rich clients and short the gold market allowing their clientele to go long precious metals. ETFs will be exchanged for physical at a heavily discounted rate.

Governments will let Bitcoin go up until most physical gold/silver has been accumulated from the weak hands. When that point is reached governments will ban Bitcoin and many other crypto currencies. Gold/silver will fly in ways not seen before, resulting into the final wealth transfer.

Concerning crypto, I think few will survive. The most important survivor will be the Safe Network Token. This is why I moved out of Bitcoin and into Maidsafe back in 2014. The Safe Network Token is 100% private and has a use case within its own environment, it canā€™t be banned.

Paypal, like any other classic financial institution will apply the same fractional reserve banking system on their Bitcoin reserves. It really will not be there, just like your dollar, euro, yuan etc. savings.


And what will the government do when they have taken all the gold, that no one cares about, is not transportable, canā€™t press a button and have more created in an instance, is not easily divisible, canā€™t be exchanged for normal goods or services ect. Governments have as much power as people allow them to have which is why people continue to live on century after century and central authorities change many times over.

With just the little respect that Mr. Dalio deserves, he has changed his mind like 5 times since 2017 and he doesnā€™t know anything. Times have changed, crypto will not be banned and itā€™s most likely that the crypto will be a part of the salvation, if there is to be one at all.

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It is a dark manipulated scheme. The crypto market will get a turn first, gold (and silver) confiscation might follow. You have to make sure your vaults are in the safest possible jurisdiction. I think safest are still Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Austria.

What is your opinion on that?

If you are smart investor, you change your mind on a regular bases :wink:

And yes, times have changed and will change again.

No, thatā€™s incorrect. If you are a smart investor you adapt with the times and change with new technology within that paradigm. If you change your mind every 6 months, you just donā€™t have any conviction on a macro topic.


Well you seem to know everything better than the biggest hedge fund manager in the world. I will start following you more closely.


Oh my poor sides, stop it please I canā€™t take any moreā€¦

The utter bastards, they will be laying sewers next, the centralising bastard red scum that they areā€¦

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Perhaps you are familiar with Eike Bautista. A decade ago was one of the 10 richest people in the world and today he has zero. Itā€™s a very interesting story if you are unfamiliar with the former Brazilian tycoon. Money is just a daily score sheet, a snap shot in time, much like when you get your blood drawn, it only tells you the tale of the immediate. Ray Dalio, for all his success Iā€™m sure has had some failures and perhaps he doesnā€™t have a perfect grasp on what is happening around him today. Itā€™s easy to make bad jokes and itā€™s also easy to default to ā€œthe govt will winā€. That takes no vision, imagination or guts. It certainly doesnā€™t take an deep thinking.

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Gold wasnā€™t an emerging technology that was built on the internet, and will transform the financial world. There were no gold ETFs, etc. Itā€™s a much different world now.

Iā€™ll agree that an outright ban is the only thing stopping bitcoin at the moment, but it wouldnā€™t stop it, only slow it down.

I think there is enough evidence in history to show what happens if you ban huge paradigm shifting technologies. You only have to look at Britainā€™s crazy regulation on the automobile to see what happens.

I think this topic has got off track for this thread.

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I am not saying that the government will win, I surely donā€™t hope they will. I am just saying that they are not going to give in without a fight and their easiest attack angle is crypto. A crypto ban by itself will greatly influence the pricing of all crypto currency.

About Eike Bautista, he was big commodity gambler and lost it all because he took way too much risk when he wanted to become the richest man in the world.

Let me clarify I am not a fan of Ray Dalio, but I really think the comparison is ridiculous.

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Smart way of looking at it :+1:

I am in Gold/Silver/Maidsafe. I want to get more into Silver as well. Silver might shoot to $3000, that would mean Bitcoin has to go to $6 mln to get the same returns, I donā€™t see that happening. The only thing that will outperform Silver within the coming years is the Safe Network token :crazy_face:


I would say that Eike was a purist, he gambled with his own wealth away, thatā€™s fair. Ray Dalio has used other peopleā€™s money to make a fortune, far less admirable.

Perhaps Iā€™m just in the minority, I donā€™t actually think the govt has any chance of stopping this. There are too many moving parts, jobs, infrastructure, value ect. that has been created. They would do well to leverage its wealth creation instead of trying to stop something that they probably canā€™t

Weā€™ll have to see how it plays out, I am also playing a guessing game, but am convinced the Safe Network Token will outperform BTC/Gold/Silver.