So much good news from both sides, and great job to MaidSafe for releasing Authenticator.
Also the Asia forum has so many great new features thanks to Mrs. Ha in Vietnam. She added some very useful header bars to the top for apps, etc, and a very visible language bar so everyone can choose their languages. Also she totally redid the whole website so it has a unique theme that is extremely slick and fits the main website very well. Hats off to Ha!
Also thought I’d post this great pic Using it as my profile on all my accounts, was very happy to meet everyone today:
I noticed that too, then realised the obvious that the list of names was not a photo left-to-right name listing. I am unsure who is who in the photo. Only recognise a couple and unsure with the rest.[quote=“dirvine, post:24, topic:13198”]
You mean to a human, no it failed
Many think Engineers are not human. Have you heard that there is no such thing as a civil Engineer?
Also has a great section on “Community Updates” that highlights all the important progress from the community this week. & enjoy the refined site layout!
Has been a slow week for me with travel, but have had time to get a few things done, most notably the MaidSafe Solutions Github, which has our past, current & future projects listed. This supports our main goal of creating a “code nursery” of free, MS-S sponsored code projects for SAFE Devs around the world to learn from.