MaidSafe Asia Forums

We now have an international forum!

Come join it and help spread SAFE to other countries! Especially good for anyone here from another part of the world.

We have categories for almost every major language and can add more based on demand.

Come join in and help get discussions going! Also learn how to make apps with the tutorials on there and earn MaidSafecoin prizes in our app competitions!!!


Thanks everyone for your comments and likes on the new forum; keep em coming!

Also keep up with this forum to learn how to make all types of apps, and to have many opportunities to earn free MAID prizes along the way!


We now have a

#Beautiful new homepage :slight_smile:

Korean translation is finished, now working on other langs


Donā€™t know what weā€™d do without you mateā€¦youā€™re an absolute whirlwind and brilliant ambassador for Safenet. Really well done mate, you are much appreciated. :smile:


appreciate you too! <3 :smiley:


Lolā€¦bit of a bromance developing hereā€¦lol :heart_eyes:


Thereā€™s no ā€˜eā€™ in Troon.
But you can get sulph in Saltcoats without too much botherā€¦


I am getting page not found on the first two links.

Little typo, missing the ā€˜fā€™.

I also think the ā€˜log inā€™ field above it should spell out that ā€˜Your password never leaves your computer, so there are no server databases to hackā€™ or something similar. For non techy people saying that your data and access to it belongs to you and referring to third parties doesnā€™t make it quite clear enough imo.

Really nice site though. Iā€™m glad to see the hypey pimping of SAFEcoin has matured into something more respectable. Information is enough, speculation and hype belong elsewhere imho.

Great stuff. :+1:


Agreed but,
Am I the only one that finds it strange that both links first presented upon arrival lead you away from the site immediately, this is counterproductive.
Being directed to the forum is ok but leaving the site and ending up at Youtube with my first click is not so ok.


Once a ļ¬le is uploaded, other users who upload the same ļ¬le will be automatically referred to the original, limiting the number o copies and reducing the computing resources needed to."

Resources needed to?


#Posted the core / community update

And for context, these are the summaries geared towards the international community, written with beginners in mind. Also many themes are summarized so that they are easier to translate to the many language communities we organize.

Update of progress from MaidSafe and its great community, for the past week. :slight_smile:


Once you do an intro page in German and use Google translate to get the bulk down send me the file and iuā€™ll ask my wife to complete the write up and translate properly, fix all the errors etc.

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OK awesome thanks, do you mean the homepage or the weekly updates I do?

For the forum. I assume you do like an intro in X language to kick off the discussions? Also why do they have to go to that site for their specific language and not instead use the already existing forum. This one?

Because that one is made specifically for multiple language communities and organizes many events to draw people into it.

Also itā€™s a totally separate company paying for it and organizing it

Fair enough, just seems odd as you would get more traction here and I assume all SAFEā€™s seasoned ppl exist here and all the newbies there, but whatever. Lemme know if you need a hand with any German translation.

OK will do gotcha thx

Fixed. Had some website changes so i

#updated all links in the OP

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If I may be so boldā€¦
I feel if this is going to be a weekly feature on the Asia forum it needs to be clear who you are.

If I was a newcomer and found the post I would be inclined to believe that it is an official Maidsafe Development Update. (I know there is a link)

Instead of a summarized update by somebody not employed by Maidsafe expressing personal feelings of disappointment.
In which case stating feelings and expectations will be more clearly understood.

Sorry Will, I hope my opinion is not taken as negative but as a view and used constructively in future updates.


Yeah their forum is about creating apps, competitions, incubators etc so thatā€™s why thereā€™s the app focus

They ask for the app-focused summary from me every week as part of the contract

Maybe Iā€™ll add a little intro to the top next time but they all know me over there. But I can write an intro next time and maybe add a tag on my username.

Also I always link to the official one so newcomers or anyone else can see what the entire official one says