Let's Create The First SAFE Web!

me !! I have some time to give if I can be of service , and also want to upload a page … will review thread and links and then ask as needed :smiley:


No worries, we’ll set up that FTP-server. Ohw wait !!! :joy: :joy: :joy:


This is a great thread. Maybe I’ll make a compilation page with my favorite free music.


I would think a simple counter page for the number of addresses that Maidsafecoins have been spread to on MSC.

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I am beginner, and had only created pages using online software like wix web site builder.
So safe network got me into action to learn more and found how to get started.

my beginner steps are

download notepad++, create new document and save file as .htm
go have look at html structure at w3schools they have many examples.
youtube how to code HTML in ten minutes.

in half an hour, anyone should have a basic webpage.

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The issue for many people scratching their heads or maybe it just me.
I want more advance pages and want to learn to code, should I use ruby and rails or php coding. where to start if your website wants forms entries, logons and passwords.
In other words if i wanted to create a Facebook or YouTube site, I would use ruby and rails. But will it be function fully on the safe network?

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There are several threads already discussing this so let’s keep this thread just to simple static pages for The First SAFE Web. Will you be joining in?

For example: How to build a Maidsafe website?

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I am pretty sure that I will bring single page to test out a thing!


Better start getting those websites ready everyone!

How To Join The SAFE Webring

I’ve got some Javascript working for a web ring so anyone who wants can join by including it in their website index page. This means including the javascript file in the HEAD section (i.e. between <head> and </head> tags) which is at the top of your “index.html” file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://the.safewebring.safenet/webring.js"></script>


To automatically include a banner with “previous” and “next” buttons by calling wrJoinWebring() on page load by including “onload” in your HTML <body> tag as follows:

<body onload="wrJoinWebring()">

This is not meant to be secure - just for fun during testing!

For it to work you’ll have to tell me what your planned website URL will be so I can add your website to the file.

Please Tell Me What DNS Name You Will Use

To publish your website you’ll have to think of a DNS name like “happybeing” or “safeapplist” or “catpictures”, so if you all can decide on what your website name will be, and use “index.html” as the website index page I’ll be able to work out the URLs and include them in the javascript.


So a very simple website that is included in the SAFE Webring could have the following HTML. This would be the content of your “index.html” file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>SAFEnetwork Example Website - happybeing</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://the.safewebring.safenet/webring.js"></script>
<meta charset="utf-8">

<body onload="wrJoinWebring()">

<h1>Example SAFEnetwork Website</h1>
A simple website on the first SAFE web!


Which displays like this:


Yay! count me in!
I will post a static site.


OK my HTML is ready. It’s very basic. There’s some words, some links, and a picture! That shouldn’t blow up the system. Do I send this to someone now?


Count me in to be a “Builders of the first SAFE Web” I will start with a home page.


For this basic is good - its being one of the first that counts :-). I might dig out my earliest website from the www and put that up. Shame I haven’t got my first homepage ever tho!

Hang on to your stuff for now. The idea is for everyone to upload the website using their own SAFE connection, which we’ll help with, but if that proves difficult we’ll get all these sites up there somehow! :smile:

Thanks everyone for such a brilliant response. I think MaidSafe are close to getting this going - some bugs still to be squashed, so fingers crossed.


Has it been decided on what type of DNS that will be used?

I want to make a homepage. :smile:

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It uses the Decentralised Naming System bij Maidsafe. So people need a plugin for their browser and SAFE up and running to get these websites. Over time we might see that the client has it’s own browser.



I hereby confidently predict that within days [grin] The First SAFE Web will be ready for our websites, but will our websites be ready for it!?

Why the confidence? See:


So, who is ready now with something to upload (anything web will do)? Please respond and I’ll update the OP to show who has their page or websites ready to go.

And if anyone not listed wants to join us, and be one of the first websites ever on SAFEnetwork, shout “add me please” and if you can, tell me what you have in mind so I can include that.

All the best, let’s do this!


so SAFE beta will be released soon?


You know as much as I do.

As soon as the bugs in crust are fixed (looking good) and routing which seems to have deviated a bit into more state than it should have then the network should be up and running. Not feature complete as that is a sprint away (maybe 2) but up and running. So the beta testing will begin then. I would hope this week will see that status, but we will soon see, bugs are by definition unknown time to fix, but I would hope this week. Basically as we have said the end of last sprint is network running and everyone connecting from home computers etc. to create apps against the API.

Lets hope the Engineers pull it over the line in the next few days, gonna be a hard week, I am heading back to dev for this week to help out where I can as well, which means missing out developing the business/community a wee but, but priority is network up so it has to be :slight_smile: Who said it was easy :wink: