Announcement: Preparing for Today’s (18th Dec) Network Reset

:loudspeaker: Announcement: Preparing for Today’s Network Reset :loudspeaker:

Please follow these instructions to ensure the best performance and stability for everyone! If you run nodes consistently this week, next week, and the week after, you will have access to 100% of the 1M token reward pool. Those who start nodes in January (after additional communications and the Milestone 2 update) will only have access to 80% of the reward pool. Details about January promotions will be shared in the first week of January.

For Node Launchpad Users:

  1. Using your existing Launchpad Press O to access the Options screen.
  2. Reset your nodes by pressing Ctrl R
  3. You MUST download node Launchpad v0.5.0 if you are not already on that version.
  4. Press O to access the Options screen.
  5. Press Ctrl B to add your Wallet address
  6. Press Ctrl + G to start your nodes again

For CLI Tool Users:

Thesafenode-manager binary has now been replaced by a binary called antctl. It is essentially the same binary, but with a different name. After switching to the new antctl binary, you can administer your node environment as before.

Here are the steps for switching over:

  1. Using your existing safenode-manager installation, clear out your existing node environment by running safenode-manager reset . This will remove previous services and data.
  2. Next, install antup using the instructions for your platform under the Installation section here.
  3. With antup installed, get the latest version of antctl using antup antctl .

Now you can administer your nodes in the same fashion as before, using the antctl add and antctl start commands. For further details, see here.

For ALL Users:

  • Please start your nodes gradually — especially if you plan on running multiple nodes.
  • Be conservative with CPU allocation to maintain stability

Binary Versions

  • antnode: v0.3.0
  • antctld: v0.11.4
  • antctl: v0.11.4
  • ant: v0.3.0
  • nat-detection: v0.2.12
  • node-launchpad: v0.5.0

@rusty.spork So what is the actual process of being rewarded? Is it set out anywhere?


Is there a way to have node-launchpad or antctl use my build of nodes? Or does it only download and use pre-built binaries?


if i remember correctley --path <your binary> should do the trick

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This is a dead link

If you are comfortable with Command Line Interfaces and want to run nodes on headless devices, or on more advanced setups such as virtual environments or remote servers, starting and managing many nodes at once, then try our Node Manager.

Should be autonomi/ant-node-manager at main · maidsafe/autonomi · GitHub


Launchpad always seems to think I only have 23GB of free space. I’ve tried it on 3 drives now all with plenty more than that. (Linux Mint}

  1. Using your existing Launchpad Press O to access the Options screen.

Please give updated invitations, how to start a node from scratch.


You can start nodes via the CLI, or the node manager or the Launchpad (for less experienced users) Quickstart Guide | Autonomi — Getting Started

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Is this to benefit the network somehow, or just to benefit the user because of high initial CPU usage? A while back I created a shell script for myself that starts my nodes “gradually” (with a 1 minute delay between each start, and also taking into account the system’s load average in case more time is needed for the system to catch up).


Mostly the CPU usage. But also the download of chunks loading down your download link (the initial retrieval of chunks to setup the node).

And reduces the churning the network sees


Not sure what your setup is, but could it be a matter of needing to allocate more disk space to Linux Mint?


It seems to me that we are not going to be told for reasons that I am struggling to understand. That is me being polite.

I think at the very least explain the rationale, I asked recently whether the rules of the game will be explained before today.
Surprise… nada.

I don’t get how this approach makes sense.


Its not just the rules, there is nothing, just a promise of being rewarded for some reason.

Running 5 nodes (normally 150) and don’t expect any rewards since I am not told what about the nodes is being rewarded.

Way to demotivate your testers.


Yes I know, and this is why I asked in hope that we could avoid this.

There have been major questions to what’s “going on” since wave one and almost every test since.
People guessing and begging for info.
It is frustrating and does not need to be.


I’ve encountered a similar issue with Launchpad on Linux Mint. In late October I was trying Launchpad (0.4.1) and it would only let me use my root partition. All other drives showed “No Access”. I even tried moving the directory and putting a symlink in its place, however that would cause a crash when starting Launchpad. I asked in Discord and a team member (chriso) wasn’t sure why and recommended I use safenode-manager instead (now antctl). I gave up on Launchpad since I couldn’t create many nodes (due to my relatively small root partition).


Maybe they are testing @DavidMc0’s idea for a network without subsidies rewards. For now, it proves the assumption that if you rely only on uploads, farmers cannot speculate with even remotely accurate accuracy how many tokens they will receive, and the normal human reaction is to not put in much effort…

Check out the Dev Forum


When trying to install the node manager from curl on MacOS (sonoma 14.5 (23F79) on intel processor), the command returns the following error. Any ideas about what could cause this ?

% curl -sSL | sudo bash

*                                    *
*         Installing antup           *
*                                    *
Will retrieve antup for x86_64-apple-darwin architecture
Latest version of antup is 0.9.0
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 2468k  100 2468k    0     0  1501k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 2532k
mv: rename /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/tmp.Pr7gaIBTrU/antup to /usr/local/bin/antup: No such file or directory

On this machine this is the first time I am trying to install anctl (there was no safenode-manager installed prior).
Thank you,

You are showing antup

use antup --help to get correct format to install antctl

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Thank you for your reply. Yes I launched the first command in the tutorial linked by @rusty.spork. It worked when I removed the sudo part.

Ah that could be it. Thanks

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