EVM Testing for Beta Phase 2 Begins!

I am running 8 nodes on a 4 core odyssey SBC just fine. <35% CPU and since i am starting the nodes myself I do not suffer the 100% cpu load that safenode manager does as it adds more nodes

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Sorry, I initially responded to this post in haste, and ended up looking at the safenode interface rather than safenode-manager. What was the problem you had here? Those arguments have not been removed from the add command.

That looks like the number of payments rather than the earnings or the amount of a single payment. Iā€™ll be looking into it properly some time soon.

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Exactly this - itā€™s the number that had been used in the past for ā€œadjusting the quoting metric for fairnessā€ ā€¦


Oh, I dont have discord.

To know fiatā€™s ranking, you only have to ask one question, does AI accept fiat on the Network?

No reason to not have 0 fees for ANT on the Network, everything elseā€¦

:sweat_smile: PUTs noderunners in their place and donā€™t give them the idea that they are a

They would seem to be in ā€œattosā€. My monitoring script uses the /metrics figure and it shows them as nanos since I have not changed the code to account for 18 decimal places and attos. Its just an integer value of attos for /metrics. IE 10^18 is one token

For anyone using vdash, there is an update which mentions ā€˜attosā€™ rather than ā€˜nanosā€™.

NOTE: vdash 0.18.1 shows earned attos (so please update from 0.18.0), and donā€™t go earning more than 2^64-1 or they will disappear :wink:

Once you have Rust, install or update with:

cargo install vdash
vdash -V
# vdash 0.18.1

If you get an error above, please run rustup update and then try again.

More help here: GitHub - happybeing/vdash: A Dashboard for Autonomi Nodes that runs in the terminal


Did you see that there is a log entry that Chriso mentioned that will indicate a node was killed when CPU is over 50% for too long

You can search for ā€œExcess host CPUā€


Thanks Rob, Iā€™m not going to enhance vdash for the time being but you can already tell if nodes have died as the status for such nodes will become ā€œINACTIVEā€ shortly afterwards.


The EVM beta is no success for me. I have only 5 nodes running and my internet connection is slow as sh*t. As soon as I stop the nodes, everything works fine.
I suspect it is a router/Quic issue because I had weird disconnects before, and I opened a support ticket with the vendor for that, but they are not interested to investigate further.
Anyone else with a Fritzbox / AVM with problems?


@mccnex was a Fritz box man I think he said he could only get 10 nodes if I remember correctly.

And he just ordered a Mikrotik ax3

Yeah definitely worse performing this test, I had 60 nodes running from home on the last few tests, Iā€™m down to 30 now and still getting funny looks from the mrs :cold_face:


But could it also be problematic with other router brands?

yeah, I guess you share my misery on this oneā€¦ Iā€™ve got fiber 1g down / 0.3 upload and fritz 4040, managed to run 10-15 nodes on linux laptop as exposed host, no to bother about opening ports for nodes. always had that reset loop issue when starting nodes, I mean it would restart itself 3-5 times before stabilizing and get me my nodes running and earning, however, depending on testnet, certain amount of nodes was causing issues to my home network, before was running even 30-40 but the more network was getting filled the less nodes would work on my fritz, last testnet in august i guess was those 10-15 i mentioned aboveā€¦ then eventually I gave it up, to avoid noises at home

i was also trying windows launchpad with no port forwarding, it worked and earned but comparing to linux cli was a joke, just did it to give some feedback to the blue coloured guys on discord

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Yes I had the same reconnect issues. It was the reason to stop testing for a while because the slow Internet and disconnects were simply not worth it for me.
Getting a new router is a bit too much for me so Iā€™m stuck with this thingā€¦

7 nodes, more than 300GB of data exchanged and not a single Atto. And noticeably affecting the speed of the computer.

Not happyā€¦

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Can you confirm that you donā€™t see a nanos in explorer when you put in your address like it is here: https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/

Check out the Dev Forum


At least some Attosā€¦


Pretty good, I hope youā€™re happy now :happyant:

Check out the Dev Forum