I read that too and neither of us managed to find it!
Metamask is showing attos. But it’s such a long trek behind the decimal point it is rounding it down to 0 in the main display and you have to to go to Details and then scroll right:-
1 billion attos in a nano is that correct? I don’t function very well back there. Ctrl-Alt-Del is often required when I try.
Milli, micro, nano, pico, femto, atto
…very very small numbers… Yes one billion attos is a nano and 1 billion nanos a full coin
So what you are trying to say is 1 atto 1 dollar?
If 1 atto ever hits one dollar… Then the dollar is history and worth nothing anymore
1atto 1 cent will do
Even in Zimbabwe they only printed to 100 trillion before they gave up I think… And that was a lot of zeros…
Not even in Zimbabwe are a bunch of folk fighting tooth and nail for every atto they can find.
Zimbabwe was the one and only place I’ve seen a huge nail of pure gold so far… Such a resource rich country… And such poor people…
If you want to see how much an individual node has earned this seems to be the string to search for in logs:-
received_payment_count: 3
@rusty.spork @JimCollinson Just gotten time to try this test network
Did this and just this
- safeup safenode
- run safenode with --rewards-address 0x… (copied public eth address from MM)
- no launchpad and no safenode-manager
Get error
Failed to get EVM network: Failed to obtained EVM Network through any means
What do I need as well as safenode program?
extra points question, why didn’t safeup also download whatever is needed to provide the EVM with safenode
Is it possible you forgot the trailing evm-arbitrum-sepolia …?
It just says the address in the help
EDIT: I see where I am wrong. That needs to be a command to safenode
Thanks I would not have seen it otherwise @riddim
It’s not really your fault there Rob, it’s a terrible error message.
You may find you can (by adding the command) start a node, but that it doesn’t find peers, get records etc.
So I was forced to use safenode-manager. Presumably that is doing something that enables the node to get peers.
I added the “evm-arbitrum-sepolia” to the end of the safenode command line. The help shows its added to the end. Unlike safenode-manager and client where the command was added first before options. Now its “safenode <options> <command>” and the evm is a command
I had just read past the command part (it scrolls off the screen) in the --help and just never went to the top and stopped scrolling back when i safe the address option
Having the instructions in a scrollable box isn’t helpful.
On another matter I’m getting an error trying to set ports by following the instructions for safenode-manager
error: unexpected argument '--node-port' found
Is this argument currently supported in safenode-manager? I can’t see it in the --help. Ditto --enable-metrics-server
node-port is still in the help
safenode-manager add --help
Its only there with the add option
You’re right. I have it working now. It seems you need to add the ports first, before the rewards address.
I have the address before ports in my scripts for safenode. I had to add the evm stuff after all the options though as the last part of the command line
So safenode manager command line works differently