EVM Testing for Beta Phase 2 Begins!

I don’t believe it is possible to make an easy to use ETH wallet/exchange that doesn’t sacrifice lots of privacy or require registering your personal details with an exchange. Which completely misses the point of Autonomi. Nobody has ever managed to create one as far as I know.

I wouldn’t count on the native token being implemented at all. And I don’t know how the ETH blockchain tokens can be converted to native tokens which won’t exist on a blockchain at all (hopefully).

The autonomi team has stated that they plan on delivering the native token sometime in the future. We just have to take their word for it and hope it arrives.


The future can be a very long time, infinity in fact. With no fixed date or even a ballpark date waiting for native tokens to arrive before cashing out is not good advice. Crypto is there to convert to cash else there is zero reason to use it at all in autonomi.

Honestly, im not in it for the crypto. If it were up to me, I would strip it out. I understand your concern though, and hope they can deliver on their goal of having the native coin implemented.