@maidsafe and the community is making history now. It can be nice if folk start filming their first testnet experience so we have a film record of the event. Also starting a documentary film would the nice.
In all honesty, I don’t think physically stopping people in the street is a good idea. In most places in the world it’s just annoying. In other places you’re liable to get seriously hurt.
I think this is an awesome idea! Let’s document this as we bring it into life!
It might also tie in with some of the community video things @m3data has been thinking about.
It would also be great if we could capture peoples thoughts about the project on video or audio too. Why they are involved, what are their hopes for the Network, what they imagine for it in the future, what difference it will make in their life, what they hope it will do for others.
As you can see from the video, I am 1.7 m tall, which is below the average for Bulgaria. I have fought many times for this reason when I was a teenager, physical violence does not bother me.
I have been threatened with a knife 3 times in my life…
I am polite to everyone, but if someone decides to take offense because I handed him a sheet of paper, there is no problem to understand each other not verbally.
Privacy. Security. Freedom
I think you missed my point. People walking out in front of me in the street to push their product are no better than telemarketers, that is scum. If I don’t personally give them the attitude adjustment they’re asking for, it’s mostly because I don’t want to get arrested. The Safe Network should be made available to people, not forced or pushed on them.
I advise you to play the video on a big screen, you will see that there are people who reach out to take the Safe flyer. People are different. There are people who like to receive flyers to read on public transport while traveling.
Privacy. Security. Freedom
Looks like a more subdued version of handing out info in Las Vegas to me. I see no harm.
Regardless, it’s cool to document these things.
The distribution of flyers is a legally permitted activity. The municipality collects a fee of 5 euros per hour for it, or at least that was 2 years ago when you last did it.
Privacy. Security. Freedom
Yeah, but he is really not stopping anyone. It seems very polite and well behaving in my opinion. I read his body language as “You don’t have to talk to me, take this paper if you like.”
I’m not denying that people are different or that many people like to read. What I’m saying is that people in general don’t like being forced to sidestep (pushy) advertisers. I certainly don’t, and the experience can ruin an otherwise good product for me.
Do you have statistics on this? My practical experience shows that 50% of people reach out to get the flyer, I obviously pull away from the rest without preventing them from passing.
Privacy. Security. Freedom
I have no statistics on people’s feelings. You do a lot of great work. Just keep my view on this particular activity in mind.
Well, I have 15 years of experience in this. I started from the bottom in a poor ex-communism country and handed out flyers for hundreds of hours while raising capital for my own business, as I said, at least 50% of people reach out to get the flyers.
Privacy. Security. Freedom
People reaching out does not necessarily mean they like doing it.
I have thought a lot about the angle ST can be marketed where the message is honest and raw. I can not think of anything better than a documentary angle. A documentary can be split up into small video clips ads with different messages.
There are people who come to you on their own to see what you are giving away. Some of them ask for additional information too
Privacy. Security. Freedom
Perhaps I’ve done too much people watching in my life but generally the response to someone handing out papers is:
- Walk past the person and say nothing
- Walk past and say no thanks
- Take paper, read quick and throw it in next trash can
- Take paper and read it
50/50 someone looks at it and almost never does someone fight a guy handling out pamphlets, it’s just not a provoking sort of action, especially if you’re doing it as passively as he is.
Theres huge value in just documenting it alone, even without any marketing angle.
I mean, imagine if when the internet or the www was being put together, that they had documented all their efforts, motivations, and future predictions on video. I would be so interesting and useful to look back on now!