At the moment the posters design is made by whiteoutmashups and when done I will print them.
The printing house gave me a price of 0.025 euro (0.0295$) for a poster, so
anyone who wants can join as a contributor donating posters and I will stick them on your behalf:
100 posters = 2.5 euro (2.95$)
1000 posters = 25 euro (29.5$)
2000 posters = 50 euro (59$)
If you join as a donor, send me your name in a private message to add you to the page with Patreons:
Addresses for contributions:
Bitcoin: 3GwqodTvne3BUo1D8oEZbj4b8x9k4bcxdd
Litecoin: M7yUqCosTP4FshUAfoKpaC4BvARt3d4Xe4
Ether: 0xF10e25663AD91cc4C479C8d665B414ca4EAadE60
At @BIGbtc suggestion, I started to document the entire Boots on the Ground campaign in detail for the children of my children
Don’t have to add me really, thanks for doing this real work in the real world. It’s way more valuable than to just talk about stuff, hope you reach a lot of people (who knows you can start your own SAFE Network meetings as a result).
These 13,000 posters plus the other 4,000 total of 17,000 will be enough for the next 2-3 months so if more come they will be for subsequent campaigns…
You are right, of course, but it is important to note that this poster will be placed at the entrance to your apartment. It’s not like seeing it on the street somewhere…
Plus I want it to have as little as possible text on the poster, so to be beautiful and not to be removed by the people.
Thank you, however, to note that QR codes are not popular in Bulgaria and I will not put it on the Bulgarian version, but English is ready if someone wants to print it:
Hi Will, I know you’re busy, but after you did not even reply briefly to my personal message I decided to act … after all, I sent you a PM 10 days ago.
If you decide to make a better poster of course I will be happy
Very inspirational to watch the commitment. Yesterday I got a thought in my head if maybe it could be possible to do a community world wide Zuckerberg marketing 2.0 in the future. The marketing of facebook by introducing the social network on universities was in my opinion genius low cost marketing, alot of mostly young people in a high density area of universities with alot of social interactions and an eager to learn and explore new things. Maybe a SAFE-network alpha 4 with Patter could be the next Zuckerberg marketing strategy reborn. Just me thinking out loud by inspiration of your work @Dimitar.
I think we all are both humbled and inspired. Every single one of us can be the very thing that makes this all work, from doing some code, writing an article (looking at you @goindeep and others), doing talks (so many) and there is one single thing all of the people who may make this work have in common. A positive attitude coupled with a get it done approach to things. I doubt it will be the negative opinions that will push this over the line, but real belief and an honest days work that will get it done.
The critics who provide nothing but critique can bask in the glory of their overwhelming nothingness and watch while they put cream on their own shoulders after patting them so much in self-adoration.
It is always gonna be the do’ers, the triers, the crazy ones, the people who break the rules, follow their dreams and most of all smile all along that path. These people like @Dimitar and many many more are what will give this project such a great chance of success. I believe the real marketing is this, honest and simple ways to get the message out there. It’s not rocket science, it can, of course, be criticised by the weaker minded types, but 100% it works and most of all it can be so much fun and positive energy for many of us. Just reading this thread is really a boost of energy for us all to keep going.
Thanks again @Dimitar your boots are definitely on the ground and I hope many follow you.