Thanks for bring this up, these are all really valuable points to raise Dim.
It forced me to do a little rethink after reading this while burning the midnight oil.
I want to create some videos myself but more importantly I want to create a system that can scale. And the modular branded assets, sufficient documentation and concept inspiration to spur on some self organising from the community. It will take some upfront effort and experimentation but I’m playing the long game.
teach a person to fish and all that…
So last night I started getting into this further. Sketched out some basic ideas and a simple storyboard on paper. There are a few considerations I had going into this and lots of assumption.
- I want to make sure this aligns in some way to the existing brand look and feel we can see on site - consistency and congruency in brand identity is an important area.
- This needs a modular approach to putting together videos that means assets (animations, transitions, composition blocks etc) are extensible to other formats and styles different from the one I am starting with. Short snippets (e.g. simple audiogram with moving imagery and captions) and longer form (e.g. interview style or explainer).
- Everything needs to be made accessible and available on github with readme, video and static assets, documentation and some simple tutorials.
All this will be explored over the coming months, ideally with other community member involvement (but I’m committed to leading as much of this effort as possible for now). Prod polish will come over time.
Your points did make me rethink this initial format @Dimitar. The concept can be done with faces or without. It can be done with waveform audiograms. This also can work for non english speakers with some captions, which I’d been thinking about along with translation process. This also opens it up to scale easier as well and will require less effort and logistics to execute. E.g. community members could just send me an audio file answering a few questions. I can then take that and do some post prod on it, produce a final export and associated content variations, push to the repo for that episode, tag the person that will upload to YT etc and Alice’s your aunty!
So I have a reasonable tangible concept for the initial video format to anchor this to and test with. Here is a basic rough concept with the intro to this series format.
Still needs some polish on animation easing and timing and some other tweaks but should serve the purpose of enabling me to be the first episode guinea pig @JimCollinson 
Appreciate any feedback and suggestions 
The style using the blocks copied from the site means I can focus on creating variations using this style. I’d played around with more flowing, softer shapes and lines but this can be overlaid later if it works. The simple block style for the look and feel will make it easier to create modular and extensible assets as well.
I didn’t do this using OpenShot as I don’t have time to learn some new UI last night. But this will be the focus moving forward so it becomes scalable as the community takes over.
I’ve got some concepts sketched out on paper and some static look and feel ideas I’ll aim to get done over the weekend evenings when the kidlets and wifey are asleep. Some of these are using the block style variations and others for modular ways to generate multiple output from one input. As in I would create the main format for that episode (5-7min video). In the process of doing that and getting that main output I also generate:
- A simple static thumbnail for the episode with a powerful callout quote and block style look and feel.
- A twitter (can do other SoMe channels as well) dimension audiogram (30-40sec snippet exported as video)
- Additional assets that come out of this process (static images, animation modules etc)
So I’ll continue on with this over the weekend and have some more concept variations for people to see later next week.