Anyone willing to make a video of my demo app?

My demo app for Autonomi exists honest, and is really cool. Well my mum would think so and you don’t want to argue with her believe me. :scream:

Please, please, please…

I would love a demo video, especially while the beta network is going up and down like Zebedee on crack (deliberately obscure, cultural, oldie reference, sorry not sorry :rofl:).

Trouble is I’m rubbish at things like that and I have much else to do anyway. So it would be great if someone in the community can put a video together, showing different aspects: maybe one using it to view websites on the network, and one using it to publish their own website using the command line, and view it on the network.

Obviously that could be more than one person, and the more people doing this the better, but even one demo video would be awesome because it can reach so many more that just the dedicated folks here.

Rewards?! :thinking:

I think this kind of thing would be a good candidate for some beta rewards but haven’t asked about that.

If you fancy having a go by all means just go ahead when you get your hands on the demo or ask away here or by DM I you have questions.

You might want to try it out on a local testnet first but will need some help with that, or wait until I unleash it on a live beta.


Sorry but… demo what exactly? :sweat_smile:

I swear I am loosing the plot, completely missed the link oO.

:joy: I added it after you asked :rofl: