What’s up today? (Part 1)

or is this more what you had in mind

THe SNP are merely incompetent colonial administrators. Sturgeon and the rest of the hierarchy were bought off ages ago - she is only going through the motions.

Easier to do it round Cumbrae - continous tidal flow around Millport and short transmission cables reqd to hook to existing lines out of Hunterston. Talk to me and my pal Gordon Ross Indycar Gordon for our detailed work on this earlier

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Really CGAF if they eat seaweed or themselves - they condemned plenty of my ancestors to eat seaweed.

How did my grannies folk end up on Eilan nan Ron when they had lived for thousands of years (genetic evidence available) in Strathnaver?

BTW if its from Radio “Free” Europe its a lie or gross exaggeration.

Not to say Stalin wasn’t a bastard and was prone to somewhat excessive fits of pique but he is the reason wir nicht sprechen deutsch jetzt.

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point being ? the Highland clearances were conducted for Scottish landlords by Scottish factors and that was the most brutal thing that happened to the highlands and islands.

the Highland clearances were conducted for Anglicised nomilly Scottish landlords by Anglicised Scottish factors and that was the most brutal thing that happened to the highlands and islands. ← fixed that for you.

You can find mercenary scum anywhere - just look at the Royal Regiment of Scotland.

I hear you have a new PM?

Sorry, looking at the politics over there sometimes helps relieve the stress of the politics over here :laughing:


Each more ridiculous and incapable than the last. :man_facepalming:t2:


Several big numbers here, and the first case of an executive to be personally prosecuted for handling of a data beach.


Sometimes it’s not you.

As a clinical psychologist who has been working in NHS services for a decade, I’ve seen first hand how we are failing people by locating their problems within them as some kind of mental disorder or psychological issue, and thereby depoliticising their distress. Will six sessions of CBT, designed to target “unhelpful” thinking styles, really be effective for someone who doesn’t know how they’re going to feed their family for another week? Antidepressants aren’t going to eradicate the relentless racial trauma a black man is surviving in a hostile workplace, and branding people who are enduring sexual violence with a psychiatric disorder (in a world where two women a week are murdered in their own home) does nothing to keep them safe. Unsurprisingly, mindfulness isn’t helping children who are navigating poverty, peer pressure and competitive exam-driven school conditions, where bullying and social media harm are rife.

If a plant were wilting we wouldn’t diagnose it with “wilting-plant-syndrome” – we would change its conditions. Yet when humans are suffering under unliveable conditions, we’re told something is wrong with us, and expected to keep pushing through. To keep working and producing, without acknowledging our hurt.


@happybeing This is why I assumed you were including/discussing Elon, since you compared the two groups together and made a common connection of mindset. Elon is the only billionaire we have discussed about colonising Mars. So since you included him I used him as the example.

Nope sorry to correct you. LOL People do not need to be mentioned specifically to talk about them knowing others know one is.

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Is there anyone who can house a spare corgi?

Corgi: her pet(s?). I heard she is / was last seen alive in Scotland, so maybe something for you? Maybe also an unicorn, or what is that ‘Operation Unicorn’ trending on Twitter all about?

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If the Queen expires in England, Operation London Bridge is activated

Operation London Bridge is a long-planned series of actions that are to take place once the Parasite-In-Chief kicks the bucket. Operation Unicorn is really just the Scottish version of London Bridge except they need to get the body back to London.

The Queen truly loved Scotland and her estate at Balmoral. She couldn;t give a flying duck for the Scots but she was very keen on their country and its resources.

Very few tears shed here. Im busy seeing if I can incorporate a flagpole into my work on the garage roof just so I can fly a flag NOT at half-mast.
We are in for an orgy of flag-shagging Unionist shite for the next year or so. Heir to the throne Charles, ex bumboy of Mountbatten and the man who wanted to be reincarnated as a tampon archive.ph will not last long at all and hopefullly the English might come to their senses and ditch the lot of them.

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Yeah, I’ve read that already a while back: a lot of protocols / procedures are to be followed when she passes away. I’m wondering if Princes Elisabeth of Belgium will be with her parents in 10 days. And I think most agree that the decline in popularity of the UK monarchy will increase then. Although if they have no real power (only protocol) and cost not too much tax payer money, you could argue it isn’t that big of a problem to keep them (a bit like pets, mascot of the country :wink: ). Maybe only for England in the future.

Very much looking forward to the English minding their own affairs and only their own affairs for a few centuries.


I don’t normally take an interest in Royal events but I’ve just read that ‘expired monarch stopped play’ is a thing and the test match would probably be called off! :man_facepalming:t2:

Not :cricket_bat_and_ball:, not :cricket_bat_and_ball: at all.

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Queen Elizabeth II dies aged 96

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history, has died.

Prince Charles, heir to the throne since the age of three, is now king, and will be officially proclaimed at St James’s Palace in London as soon as practicably possible.

Flags on landmark buildings in Britain and across the Commonwealth were being lowered to half mast as a period of official mourning was announced.

As Queen of the UK and 15 other realms, and head of the 54-nation Commonwealth, Elizabeth II was easily the world’s most recognisable head of state during an extraordinarily long reign.


Do your bit for England, Mark - re-home a corgi!!!


They have a mansion each now so they could rehome me.