What’s up today? (Part 1)

e2e Encrypted Chat Illegal Across EU

Chat apps are now classified as telecommunication providers by EU, meaning that member states are bringing in legislation to enforce wire tap interception on these services, seriously damaging the security and privacy of e2e encrypted messaging services:

The problem is, the new Directive (which became law in December 2018 and required Member States to implement in national legislation by December 2020) reclassifies messenger/chat services as electronic communications service providers and as such puts them in the same category as telephony providers (number based communications services providers).



Does this affect e2e email like protonmail as well or just chat apps?

Nothing they can do with p2p apps like qtox though.


You know you want it:

Privacy. Security. Freedom


That recent comnet had me thinking it’d reach my 2 week commitment and have to get my SN tattoo.


What if the Industrial Revolution had started 2,000 years ago rather than 200? (And why didn’t it?)

This article focuses mainly on why didn’t it happen until much later, and is a very interesting short read.


Interesting read. The lack of imagination and endless negativity in the mainstream narrative is shocking and depressing. They seem to want us to wallow in self pity, self doubt, self loathing and generally expect apocalyptical outcomes at every turn.

I don’t know what or who is the motivation for this. Some people do like to watch folks suffer (soap operas are full of it, for daily doses), but I know lots of people tuning out of the ‘news’ and its drip feed of fear.

When there is hope, people feel empowered. When they are empowered, people take risks. Where people take risks, there is progress. Maybe ‘the powers that be’ fear such feelings in their captive populous?


Hmmm, Maidsafe could have a new headquarters and David can be the king!


How about something to say what it is about. Is it the old doom sayers that world is ending, or crypto is ending, or what. Its not like we’ve haven’t requested this many times.

With nothing to inform me what it is about then I personally have no interest in watching sorry.


In his testimony in early December, U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell admitted it is “probably a good time to retire” the Fed’s characterization of inflation as “transitory”—up, until that time, Powell described inflation as temporary. Today’s guest explains what happens when the Fed “takes away the crutches.”

Gerald Celente, the Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and publisher of the weekly Trends Journal magazine says, “When interest rates go up, the cheap money flow stops, the economy is going to go down, and the equity markets are going to crash.”

In this episode, Gerald shares his 2022 Outlook for:

  1. Gold, silver, Bitcoin
  2. Commercial real estate
  3. U.S. economic front
  4. China’s dual-circulation policy
  5. The rise of the “Metaverse”

Host Robert Kiyosaki and guest Gerald Celente discuss what trends you should be watching in 2022 and how current events both locally and globally will affect your investments.


Another domino in line to fall … we will see, but seems that it’s inevitable that another one will drop within a year or so and more will certainly line up as well.


Possible because it has many similarities with El Salvador:

  • importance of remittances in the economy
  • small country
  • no independent monetary policy (its currency is pegged to a basket of currencies)
  • volcanoes!

One big difference though is that the population is largely banked contrary to El Salvador.

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# Journalists in El Salvador Targeted With Spyware Intended for Criminals

Maria Abi-Habib

5-6 minutes

The announcement came months after the U.S. government blacklisted the Israeli firm that produces Pegasus, the technology used to target the journalists.


![Spyware has been found on the phones of 22 reporters and editors from the El Faro newspaper in El Salvador over the last year.|600x400](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2022/01/12/world/12salvador/merlin_198350874_af5809b4-1920-4b32-b9a1-80c9a437a791-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale)

Credit...Rodrigo Sura/EPA, via Shutterstock

Jan. 12, 2022

El Salvador’s leading news outlet, El Faro, said on Wednesday that the phones of a majority of its employees had been hacked with the spyware Pegasus, which has been used by governments to monitor human rights activists, journalists and dissidents.

The revelation came just months after the American government blacklisted the Israeli firm that produces Pegasus, the NSO Group, in an attempt to curb the largely unregulated global market in spyware.

According to Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk School and Access Now, two cybersecurity watchdogs that analyzed the phones of El Faro’s employees, the spyware had been installed on the phones of 22 reporters, editors and other employees between July 2020 and November 2021.

During that time, El Faro was investigating the Salvadoran government’s clandestine connections to the country’s gangs and corruption scandals. The government has denied any connection to local gangs.

“It’s completely unacceptable to spy on journalists,” said Carlos Dada, the founder and director of El Faro. “It endangers our sources, it limits our work and it also endangers our families.”

The cybersecurity watchdogs said 13 journalists from other Salvadoran news organizations were targeted as well. An El Faro journalist’s phone had been reinfected with the spyware over 40 times, the most persistent hacking attempt by Pegasus yet to be discovered.

“NSO Group’s tentacles continue to spread across the globe, crushing the privacy and rights of journalists and activists into oblivion,” said Angela Alarcón, who campaigns on Latin America and the Caribbean at Access Now. “Revelations that Pegasus software has been used to unjustly spy in El Salvador may not come as a complete surprise, but there is no match to our outrage.”

It remains unclear who was using NSO’s surveillance technology to spy on the journalists. El Salvador’s government denied responsibility, and a spokesperson with NSO Group would not say whether Pegasus spyware had been provided to El Salvador’s governments, past or present.

“The government of El Salvador is in no way related to Pegasus and is not a client of the NSO Group,” Sofía Medina, the communications director for President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador, said in a statement.

“The government of El Salvador is investigating the possible use of Pegasus,” the statement added, before going on to describe a similar hacking attempt targeting Salvadoran government officials.

The development is the latest scandal to rock NSO Group, a prized Israeli technology company whose spyware [has long been under scrutiny](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/03/technology/nso-group-how-spy-tech-firms-let-governments-see-everything-on-a-smartphone.html) for its ability to capture all activity on a smartphone — including a user’s keystrokes, location data, sound and video recordings, photos, contacts and encrypted information — and for mounting allegations of misuse by repressive governments.

In August it [was revealed that Pegasus](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2021/07/18/takeaways-nso-pegasus-project/) had been secretly installed on the smartphones of at least three dozen journalists, activists and business executives across the world, including close associates of the murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. In Mexico, it was used against [influential journalists](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/19/world/americas/mexico-spyware-anticrime.html) and others.

The [Biden administration blacklisted NSO Group](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/03/business/nso-group-spyware-blacklist.html) in November, stating that the company had knowingly supplied spyware used by foreign governments to “maliciously target” the phones of human rights activists, journalists and others.

The measure was a notable break with Israel, an American ally, as the company is one of Israel’s most successful technology firms and operates under direct surveillance of the Israeli government.

After the American government blacklisted NSO Group, the company promised that Pegasus was only licensed to governments with good human rights records.

But in December it was [announced that the iPhones](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/03/us/politics/phone-hack-nso-group-israel-uganda.html) of 11 American Embassy employees working in Uganda had been hacked using Pegasus spyware.

In an emailed statement, a spokesperson for NSO Group, who declined to provide their name, maintained the company only provides its software to legitimate intelligence agencies and to law enforcement agencies to fight criminals and terrorists.

The spokesman added that the company does not know who the targets of its customers are, but that NSO works to ensure that its tools are used only for authorized purposes.

Israel’s Defense Ministry is in charge of regulating and approving any exports of NSO’s software. The Israeli military has also been criticized for its human rights violations at home and abroad.

While it remains unclear what entity targeted the Salvadoran journalists, El Salvador has been criticized for intimidating and censoring local media.

El Salvador’s president, Mr. Bukele, has come under withering criticism from the United States government and rights groups for using the military to interfere with the legislature and to suspend Supreme Court judges and the attorney general.
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Interview with Dan Boneh of BLS cryptography fame.

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It’s Robert Kiyosaki.

Crypto was created to exist outside the control of any government, yet regulation keeps getting more severe. The result of this regulation is that crypto will split into two:

“RegFi will be unusable and bolted down. It will be toothless.
The other side will be the underground DarkFi. It will have bite.”

Crypto OG Amir Taaki talks about the coming storm in crypto, and why the crypto narrative we support is the difference between this being a powerful tool for freedom, or nothing at all.


I’m really against breaking crypto down into these two terms. In so doing the oligarchy will be able to demonize it while working to keep control of their slave-fiat-system. I hope people will reject this terminology completely. Just stick with DeFi, and let them keep their regulated market terminology.


I thought this was an interesting discussion. But I also completely agree with you. He called the “revolutions” in Ukraine and Georgia a good thing. I’m in Ukraine now and I can tell you this is not the case. The west overthrew the elected president in 2014. Everybody’s lives are harder here. The new government is Western backed and pushes all of the social distortions the West has. They have opened Ukraine to China to buy up the food. The new government has indebted Ukraine to the international bankers. They decreased pay for judges by 10x meaning a massive fueling of corruption.

He’s pushing Darkfi but in doing so he’s pushing for a binary result. You make a good observation.


Shadow me tha mannayyyyy…