17 posts were split to a new topic: RT and other media
As a former DNA sequencing lab guy, I will agree wholeheartedly that DNA can store an immense amount of information. And as the article points out long term storage is great and easy.
This is all fine if long term storage is all you want. The caveat here is that to access that data requires a fair bit of time - far far more than conventional methods.
So I won’t hold my breath on DNA being a great form of storage in the future. There are many other promising technologies though and I believe we will get to the next level in a decade or so.
Tesla in popular culture, David Bowie playing him in “The Prestige” (Christopher Nolan, 2006):
The digital wallet will securely store payment details and passwords
A keystore service on safenet is where I want to be.
I wouldn’t trust governments with this job, not even the EU… they hire the cheapest or one of their mates to do these jobs.
Digital Wallet
Gives of secure crypto vibes. It will be a database, storing your passwords in clear text.
Stay away from it.
Sounds like it’s also an EU-wide single login for government services and maybe banks and other stuff.
Perhaps it could be used on SAFE to prove one of your SAFE id’s belongs to you, if you are a EU citizen. Says it has a digital driver’s license, perhaps you could use it to get a signed message onto SAFE together with your driver’s license or whatever proving that whoever has access to that id is the owner of that driver’s license. Don’t really know much about how it will work though, so not sure if possible. If you could, you’d essentially transfer this id over to the SAFE Network, to have an id there that’s provably you. You could of course have many other anonymous ids too though.
If that works it could maybe also be used for proof of unique human, without actually revealing your identity to anyone.
Yeah that article is probably FUD in order to drum up support for regulation. Weird thing is, front running is supposedly illegal yet is in widespread practice in TradFI markets. Most major exchanges sell front row seats at top dollar so big money players can front run - read the original Flash Boys story and Investor Exchange IEX method to try and deal with it, it is a great tale about this nefarious activity that is supposedly banned yet practiced by all the who’s who. However there is one thing the front runners live in fear of, Spoofing. Spoofing can absolutely destroy the profitability of front runners, it is the Yin to that Yang. Guess which activity is aggressively policed and prosecuted? Yeah, not the highly profitable front runners they are all big players with get out of jail free cards.
So no, in the defi crypo market the spoofers can screw the front runners if they get out of hand unlike what happens in TradFi. No regulation needed.
The sad thing is that everytime there are decentralised things with no regulation and the possibility to game the system, then people will get scammed. Seems to be human nature and always represent some % of population. And the pool parties at the DeFi’s seems to invite manipulation by flawed systems.
That’s a mini-novel. Not gonna be reading that tonight. Curious to get David’s take on it though.
What makes you think David has time to read it if you can’t be bothered?
cause mind levels
When they start to get Safe Network…