Here is the topic for that discussion
I’m no techo but could someone explain in simple English whether Inrupt is a competitor for Safe.
No, not really, more of a possible partner. They still use the old Internet/Web for much of what they do, however, their vision is not for full-on security and privacy at that level. They advocate everyone basically owns their own “silo” or server where they give access to different people/apps etc. under the control at all times of the user.
A bit like what we showed with patter/not patter, the users data is the users data, so similarities in the message from them and us.
But, there are differences, whilst we agree users data should only be accessible through the user and never pulled into some corporate network, we also say users should not have to run servers! These servers for SOLID are pretty simple affairs, but very clever. They are though direct accessible Internet IP addresses and have all the server vulnerabilities that servers today have.
So directly connectable IP addresses → This is where we have CRUST to make all (well most really) computers accessible and only via encrypted communications.
We add routing to find such computers (not DNS lookups or some database of known servers etc.).
Then the bigger difference, in SAFE everyone’s data is spread across multiple locations and constantly being moved around as computers go on and off, so no administration required from the user, no backups and no server-based vulnerabilities. However, a sticky point for us is that we do not wish for the SAFE data to be mixed with clearnet data at all, so there is a tension between allowing all SOLID silos in non SAFE form interact with our secured data management. This will need to be resolved otherwise it will look like “competition” as we resist clearnet and SOLID really want it. I suspect we can make the case and we should.
So very similar parts of the vision, give the net back to the people, but we do not want them to have the same net they used o have in terms of servers and the associated issues with those (such as everyone having to rent out a VM or something).
The other difference which relates to servers is centralisation. One route they have mentioned to overcoming the issue of users managing servers is hosting service providers. This recreates many of the problems Solid aims to solve IMO, and would lead to the same kind of problems we have already with Google, Facebook and Amazon.
One such provider is likely to be Inrupt, which then becomes a point of vulnerability. As we see with WhatsApp, even those who set up with good intentions can end up being steamrollered by Facebook et al, so I hope they’ve thought this kind of thing through, but it remains to be seen.
Another issue they are well aware of is censorship, as exemplified by the great firewall, but spreading rapidly across repressive regimes, and emerging in Western forms. This seems to be stumping all the alternative projects, so if SAFE delivers on this and other things as we are now pretty confident it will, there’s a very strong case for choosing it.
So in SAFE, Tim & Co have a way to deal with all those issues, we just need to get to a stage where they can see it deliver, and then it creates a much more powerful argument.
Very significant after launch when they inevitably move all of their development effort to SAFE.
Bill at the Ripple event. Corruption confirmed. FBI investigating accusations?
Stumbled upon a SOLID post on reddits bitcoin subreddit today that got some good attention:
I made a note of MaidSafe and SOLID’s interactions in the comments section hehe.
Now we’re talking…
I just wonder how much credibility Bloomberg is willing to risk to cover for the CIA, their In-Q-Tel/Amazon stooges, and rogue parts of the FBI…
“Having a well-done, nation-state-level hardware implant surface would be like witnessing a unicorn jumping over a rainbow”
In other words, it doesn’t happen unless people know about it and let it happen…
Supermicro loses one of their biggest customers, Apple, and AWS swoops in to pick them off the ground…so convenient…
Remember the Sony hack and the iCloud hack in 2014?
So, the chip was on US Navy war ships? So, about that rogue nuclear sub near Seattle earlier this year, right next to that random early morning missile launch that was never tracked down, right next to that random Q400 loop-de-loop by the suicidal baggage handler with no piloting experience, right next to Amazon headquarters, right next to that…
The US military saving our asses everyday, quietly.
Do we now understand a big part of the trade war and impetus for manufacturing on-shoring?
Deeper and deeper…
I’m so excited for what’s next…
EDIT: Late Addition:
Edit 2: Forgot to mention DARPA
@frabrunelle since you also like Seasteading
Yes, 2019 will be THE year of public test nets, galore!
''Cohen gives his version of mining the more bucolic name “farming.” Similar to bitcoin, participants compete to win Chia cryptocurrency in a race that also processes transactions. Unlike in Nakamoto’s system, maximizing your chance of winning depends on amassing disk storage space, not running more powerful—and energy-hungry—hardware. ‘’
He’s not giving his version of mining anything, is he.
Cloudflare’s “gateway” system opens the door to the decentralized web
Cloudflare aims for IPFS to become a legitimate alternative to the four-letter internet acronym that begins almost every web address: HTTP (which stands for hypertext transfer protocol).
Nice - except that all traffic goes through Cloudflare
43m, but essential. Pence calling out communist China on a bunch of stuff, including the surveillance state and the Orwellian credit system. Called out Google’s Dragonfly app specifically. If geopolitics is your thing, this speech is key. Almost unbelievable that the news doesn’t report this.