What’s up today? (Part 1)


SpaceX may finally get some competition … no not you Blue Origin …

Rocket Lab! … has just changed course and is going to build a Big Rocket!


With the success he has had with his smaller rockets, then why not. There is big $$$ in the bigger rockets. But also comes with higher initial risk

So he eats his hat. Lives up to his word.


bBamp bbbbBammp Baaaaa: Cboe Exchange Submits SEC Application to List Bitcoin ETF - Crypto Briefing

So yeah, it’s been tried a few times and SEC has shot it down every time so far. But Canada has one now … and the US hates to be behind the curve.

We will see.


At its Ignite conference today, Microsoft announced that it will launch a public preview of its “Azure Active Directory verifiable credentials” this spring. Think of the platform as a digital wallet like Apple Pay or Google Pay, but for identifiers rather than credit cards.

Have you seen their advert for the daily pass for schools?

Umm … nope

Tried to post a link but it’s on f/b and I can’t find source or elsewhere on interwebs.

Here’s the link if u have f/b.

6 min.

Note that they’d like to trace sources they consider unapproved by the Ministry. What is going to be the punishment for posting information the Ministry has not approved for use?

Fascinating thread in the nature of government debt, money and the lie of needing to balance books (it would actually be bad for several reasons).

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Have you read “The Deficit Myth” by Stephanie Ketlon?

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On MMT/Stephanie Kelton: She uses similar linear econometric models to Central Bank economists. Like the CB economists that have been looking to spur inflation for decades, they do not factor in the effect of the largest monetary system on the planet (orders of magnitude more “dollars” than actually in the whole US financial system). We live in a decentralised Eurodollar world which unfortunately dictates how the world economy turns and is wholly underappreciated/operates in the unregulated shadows.
The whole series is essential viewing for anyone interested in really delving into what makes our collective economies tick, although it will challenge the most basic premises (with plenty of hard data to back it up - unlike most econometric model theories) starting with the fact that Central Banks are not actually central to money, and do not actually create money.

Here is 16 minutes that put light and historical context on MMT going back to George Knapp and the chartalists.

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Record is an immutable distributed system for audio files.

As a distributed network, Record passes data from application to application. Therefore, it does not rely on any one entity, rather it is spread out and made accessible by anyone running the application.


Nice share @mav! JAMS isn’t far off from where they are. They mention beets and we actually wanted to utilize beets.io to get improperly tagged music tagged properly before parsing the meta data on upload but we’d have to build a client side tool to do so. We’re limited as a web app more than a client side app so that’s something for us to consider.

Things like musicbrainz (which is actually what beets uses) and beets etc are really great services that would be invaluable to leverage. Even services with API’s to finger print music, or add lyrics, or update copyright info could really help make JAMS better. It would be nice to use some of these services to populate and grow a mirror service on Safe so that data is all decentralized and accessible strictly on the network but I want to start dead simple first.

Gotta say though, their chrome extension to add music from SoundCloud and youtube is an awesome idea. That is clever.


Local PDF Tools

Local PDF uses Webassembly to edit your PDFs inside your Browser. Your files won’t leave your System, they will not be send to another server

Currently, we support merging PDFs. You can combine multiple PDF files into one large File.


Web Assembly is going to change a lot of things on the web … it’s applications for Safe are awesome!


@Sascha :chicken:


When Safe nodes? :lol:

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I stumbled upon this awesome WASM presentation. For those who question how game changing WASM is, take 45m to watch this.

Then consider WASM apps running within the Safe Browser, with direct access to the Safe Network. Imagine the power of those apps and the simplicity of not having a server side app to coordinate with.

Then consider how easy the Safe Client libraries could be imported as a library in many other languages.

Mind blowing stuff! :exploding_head:


Not much technical info (on APIs etc) but the researchers behind CRDTs have a start-up: