LPT: Amazon will be enabling a feature called sidewalk that will share your Wi-Fi and bandwidth with anyone with an Amazon device automatically. Stripping away your privacy and security of your home network!
Interesting… so, I can setup a side-WiFi, for sniffing other peoples data, and messing with their devices and personal data when they connect? Cool.
Cheers amazon.
Connection to my network without consent can be harmful to your device.
I wouldn’t be so outraged if at least amazon offered compensation for farming out your network…
If only there were people working on a network that rewards users for their bandwidth and memory use.
BTC ATH in USD on Kraken!
Pretty good explenation of The Safenetwork :
It has the wrong coin ticker on that article - SAFE instead of MAID
Can someone mail them with a correction? Otherwise I will do it later today
I sent the author an email there.
Cory Doctorow has written a free book on smashing surveillance capitalism, in case someone wants to TL;DR it for me .
Curiously, Cory’s book is published in full here on Medium :
Libra now Diem in the all too famous crypto rebrand.
Maybe we can upload the book, to a site for books, on a network against surveillance capitalism, soon.
I have saved it.
This article does indeed SMASH surveillance capitalism!
The author poignantly asks: Could we find that political will again?
You are the trust busters. You are the ones who are going to break Big Tech’s death grip on our digital lives, and yes the people reading this thread are the ones to fight monopolies.
Seems some “freedom-lovers” are only lovers if the money is right. We used to call these “Ladies of Negotiable Affection” or whores for short…
Canary posting I’d never heard of this before, but looks like something Maidsafe might want to do.
In the video, Naomi Brockwell talks about “National Security Letters” and how they are used to force companies to turn over information on users and to weaken or bypass user-level encryption AND that these letters also gag companies from disclosing that they have received such letters or that their user-level security has been compromised.
Naomi also discusses a partial solution to this problem - “Canary posting”.
A company “can” (and does) post on a regular basis that: “none of our security has been violated” and “we are not under a gag order”.
I would add a couple more: “We have not been directed to slow down development or otherwise prevent the release of a working beta product”; and lastly: “We have not been contacted by a government agency interested in the encryption being used (or being considered for use) in our software”.
If at any point in time some agency of the government coerces one of these measures and enforces a gag order … these posts OR some of these statements within a post simply stop - thus giving a signal that something is amiss/afoul.
What say you @dirvine --Is this something you “can” agree to do?? … maybe there could be a “canary notice: 1,2,3,4,etc” at the bottom of each weekly update? And/Or as a separate update on a “canary thread” on the forum?
Perhaps we need a canary post discussion thread to consider useful or “best practice” canary statements? I leave it to the mods to decide.
None of the moderators in the forum are forbidden to delete anonymous posts with canary notice