Right now SpaceX is doing pressure test on their SN7.1 and about to blow, sometime
Failed for the second time to pressurize enough to blow. Do not know why yet they didn’t blow it
Due to a disagreement with Twitter on whether they should have my phone number on top of my real name, I’m revisiting mastodon, so if any folks are also using mastodon and wish to connect, you’ll find my tech account here: Safepress has moved! (@SAFEpress@mastodon.cloud) - mastodon.cloud
My personal twitter account is suspended because I won’t give up my phone number, which I won’t do so I decided to revisit mastodon and Scuttlebutt etc, so let me know if you want to connect on those or another social platform.
Mastodon has improved a lot (mainly in responsiveness and quality of the community) in three years, and there’s a very nice alternative UI called Pinafore, and an associated side-bar add-on for Firefox.
Hopefully Safe can move into this space too. I think comparing any Safe offerings with the performance of mastodon will be a good benchmark - it is seriously responsive. I have two accounts on different instances (servers) and if I have both open and toot or delete toot on one, the feed on the other updates instantly. Same with follows/unfollows, it is impressive and a far nicer UX than twitter. I think Safe should aim to match the mastodon UX in terms of usability and responsiveness, and if it does this could help adoption as I think twitter is getting less friendly and more invasive (as to be expected).
So join me on mastodon for a play and a chat. Lots of like minded folks on there. Safepress has moved! (@SAFEpress@mastodon.cloud) - mastodon.cloud
Developers, any thoughts or experience with Nix or similar build environment tools?
Swarm is launching their beta in 3 days.
Not really paying attention but there seems to be some controversy about them wanting to implement a custom token instead of using ETH.
Anyways… short video on uploading a site.
I’ve had several of these. They will NOT muzzle me, though.
Another day, another hack…
Signal: something is very wrong with the Empire.
Here’s a nice approach which Safe app developers could collaborate on to create a starter set of apps to cater for most people daily needs.
Using a Solid on Safe approach, we could use some of the actual Solid apps running on Safe rather than have to write them specifically for Safe. And in that case we might as well collaborate with the Solid developers, help them with this task and save time for all of us!
I made a topic on the developer forum which also links to the OP on the Solid forum:
The address of the KuCoin hackers:
The risk from bipolar politics where no-one resists.
We need all the tools we can find for privacy; security; and freedom.
“Decentralisation” at its best…
Those statements to me reflect ill-thought-out noise to sound wonderfully intelligent.
Right now, imagine, a vaccine rushed to release as it’s complete or just remember the Challenger Disaster and so much more.
Plus what is completion? is bitcoin complete, Ethereum, any software we know of? There are some abandoned code snippets, still in use, perhaps those are complete?
Completion like perfection is probably things that do not exist in Engineering, Science, and particularly software development.
We could all retort to such statements and make up our own like:
Too many people focus on perfection when correctness is all you need.
However, it’s still silly and inane
$ good
Crypto -bad
Bunch of criminals.