@goindeep Not that I’m a huge fan (don’t mind him either) but the YouTuber ChicoCrypto keeps good tabs on it as well so he might be a good resource for you if not already.
I think once we have digital fiat that can track our every purchase and tax every cent then we will need a DBC Safecoin implementation direly. If cash is discouraged and weened out of circulation, something very important will be lost. Anonymous transactions as part of our privacy and freedom, the simple fact that the neighbor kid won’t be able to get $10 for mowing a lawn without getting taxed, and so on. At that point it’s just surveillance.
Given that open ended leveraging obviously leads to a problem, we perhaps should expect they have ideas about how to get out of this nonsense into the next. Also, those with power and therefore control over resources atm are unlikely to want that to change. It’ll be interesting to see how the East:West dynamic plays out and then the China/Russia/US too big to fail power attractors resolve. … or perhaps we are at the whim of events and there is no conspiracy
Wow. I had no idea this was coming straight from the world economic forum. Summit in 2021 with the theme of a global reset. What do others think of this? Should I go ahead and rack up some debt? Lol
I’m somewhat of a conspiracy theorist at heart and I think that corona virus and this reset thing are linked somehow. I don’t know how or why but my gut just tells me they probably are.
The speed at which all nations are now acting on cbdc is astonishing.
Cbdc according to them is one component of this global reset.
Is cbdc necessarily all bad? Not entirely. What would you say if the government says there will be zero capital gains tax if you xfer and liquidate all your other crypto assets into cbdc?
Isn’t all current money really digital at it’s core?
My bank account is just an electronic record these days.
A block chain based CBDC would be bad for privacy, a record of where each and every bit of money has been.
The article itself says the proposed CBDC is not as anonymous as cash - which is funny, as at the beginning of the decade people were saying block chain was more anonymous than cash.
Banks are going to be pissed when SAFENet launches, they just caught up with encrypted block chain tech - and SAFECoin comes along and solidifies privacy.
I don’t think it’s opportunistic. I think it’s been planned or at the very least prepared for. I mean they rolled Prince Charles out and all. And this happened in the space of a few months. The dust is barely beginning to settle.
You destroy the economy, make people scared of handling cash and then begin the great reset to save humanity and all those poor African children. Part of your solution is blockchain based digital crypto currency.
No not all current money is digital. Just most of it.
I don’t know if it would be worse than the current digital model, probably yes.
There are some whispers by folks in the bullion game that suggest a cbdc backed in part 10% or so by gold might be one solution out of the mess we’re in. I just don’t see central banks doing that for obvious reasons.
That was a more than slightly facetious / sarcastic “opportunistic”. The fact that one of the first covid stimulus bills had a proposal for a digital USD all seemed like too much of a coincidence to me. Plus all of the data privacy issues contact tracing presents, and so many other actions with worrisome second and third order ramifications that can so easily sneak into being under the cloak of handling a global pandemic. I’m not saying covid—19 isn’t a problem, just that there is more going on here than meets the eye…
Absolutely. I forgot about that bill. You are so right.
I’m actually all for cbdc if it’s done correctly and has privacy protections built into it, redundancy measures so government cant just decide to shut off your access as is possible in China and some level of anonymity if persons so choose… which it won’t be.
My angle is take what they give, if it’s tax breaks, tax free money, etc. And convert most of it back into crypto I trust.
Once their hardware will be obsolete for FileCoin network, they can join SafeNetwork.
From our testing we should know if RasberryPi will be worth to use, or for lack of power is useless.