So I’ll address some of the misconceptions. So what you are describing is Metadisk, our blockchain based file storage web application. We currently use HMAC-SHA256 convergent encryption. We think logins and authentication create unnecessary overhead, and instead use disposable token identifiers.
The cool thing about Metadisk is it offers APIs that allow traditional services to integrate with it without downloading any additional software. We have prototypes working for the file storage app, and also a decentralized video player as well.
We will be making an announcement about it sometime this week, but here you can take an early look at the whitepaper: and website
Metadisk serves as a multi-platform frontend. We are looking for integration with Maidsafe, Siacoin, Permacoin, Filecoin, and our own data platform Storj. If the space is free or close to free then great. We will make sure it gets used through our many tools and applications we are building.
Our approach is simple. Decentralized data is happening. Lets start building applications now, not later. We have two functioning app prototypes, and more on the way.
As far as Storj is concerned we are taking a completely different approach to the same problem. I’m more concerned with some of the concerns raised by Peter Todd:
“I visited Maidsafe a few weeks ago and left with very similar concerns. Essentially I’d describe it as the “Google Attack” where the financial incentive to offer data storage gives a company like Google the opportunity to sell nearly 100% of the capacity. Even if they have incentives to be reliable they’re still a single point of failure that can go down at any moment.
The best I could come up with was to use multiple, trusted, geographically distinct auditing nodes. With the limited speed of light you can prove that more that one copy of the data is being held, although again, you can’t prove the nodes aren’t being run by the same organization. Similarly the auditing nodes are trusted, which means most users will be relying on centralized servers anyway.”
I’m finishing up my paper on the subject for Storj, that addresses these concerns more directly. Probably best if you just wait to read that. Perhaps you could enlightenment me more about how you are handling Sybil attacks?