Everyone hates the KYC that is involved in converting MAID to EMAID.
Since people don’t want to convert they are stuck on centralized exchanges instead of the DEX which is totally superior.
We need to have some kind of market for OMNI MAID.
No one can even sell OMNI MAID on an exchange anymore.
We need to find a volunteer who will buy MAID at some fraction of the EMAID price, like 80% or so. That person will decide what they will pay.
After they receive a mountainous amount of MAID, they will convert it and pocket the difference. Instead of lots of users converting MAID, there will be one large conversion this will be totally more efficient.
That all assumes the >90% of Omni-MAID held by all the people out there want to do anything with their Omni-MAID before conversion to SNT in significant numbers.
One wonders if the fact Bittrex was seeing so little action on Omni-MAID that there is not that many people who would sell.
Bittrex had like 15 million MAID and some/much of that was held by people waiting for conversion. Yes not wisest but some have said they did in the trading topic. 15 Million is a very small %age of the 452 million total (e)MAID. And someone mentioned there is less than 10 million eMAID. Thats less than 6% of (e)MAID on any platform that could be traded. I missed out Hit??? exchange but I gather it is very small.
Maybe a better suggestion is people do as they’ve done in the past when they wanted to sell some of their Omni-MAID that they ask if anyone wants to buy and they do it in private messages. One or more trusted members in the forum have offered to do escrow for security of the sale.
Yes that is a good idea. That would also work. But no one is going to sell OMNI MAID at the current low price when it is obvious the price should be much closer to the EMAID price.
That’s right. If you have coin on Bittrex you can buy more at their cheap price. It’s a great deal as long as you can withdraw your coins. But people are reporting problems with withdrawals so this is not risk free money. This withdrawal risk is driving down the price of the coin on Bittrex and causing a divergence between the MAID and EMAID prices.
No need to rescue the price. Its all over in 6 days and no way to arbitrage while withdrawals are stuck.
If coins are still listed for sale then the seller doesnt want them and is no hodler
grab them cheap if you have the funds to gamble that MAID will be eventually available form Bittrex. Wish I did but Im skint.
It’s great that withdrawals from Bittrex are processing again. I hope everyone can get their money out. This is the link where Bittrex holds their MAID.
Bittrex holdings there are going down, now under 12 Million. That is a good sign.
OMNI MAID is still less than half of the EMAID price. That cannot be right.
Not a trader Jim Collinson, so I shall just HODL my MAID in my Omni wallet until it’s time to convert to SNT. I like you folks and what you are doing, but trading here in the US can be such a hassle. I am a man of faith; and Safe is the first project I bought in on early, unlike BTC when I had a chance. I know David has committed his life, his treasure, and his sacred honor to ensuring this project launches, so I trust in him and you all. Cheers!
I am holding my maid on omni for so long, no plan to sell. It was the first project I fell in love but it has so many years by now that I think we might have lost timing. I hope it goes well though, thanks for the effort team