The purpose of this thread is to provide a place to post OTC trading offers for MAID. All public buy/sell offers made elsewhere in the forum, will be moved here.
To avoid fraud, please familiarize yourself with the following guidelines for best practices in OTC trading:
Consider using an Escrow service
If the amount is large, divide it into smaller parts, so you risk losing only the last part of the amount
Consult with specialist on how to subsequently prove the origin of the funds
If you have other recommendations please share them so I can add them to the list.
Hi folks! For anyone who might be looking to buy some maid without KYC and now that bitrex is no longer, I may be interested in selling some of mine if the price is right. Feel free to DM me and we’ll go from there.
Will reach out to you. If anyone else is looking to purchase maid direct without any KYC or exchanges I am still currently in consideration to selling some of mine. Feel free to send me a chat or direct message.
And any small amount of research you do into them show they could randomly freeze your account and demand KYC, with people saying even after they provided everything asked for they never unfroze the account.
Anyone want some original MAID, not eMAID but OMNI MAID. Have a decent amt.
If interested then PM me and I’d be using a trusted person to do escrow.
Please only genuine buyers at close to current pricing. In a rising market it should be worth more soon or just hold it till the exchange to safecoin on launch.
A enters to send 1000 EMAID to B for 700 USDT
B enters to send 700 USDT to A for 1000 EMAID
Only when BOTH A and B sign their sends their private key, do the SENDS get executed.
Not sure how the last bit would work as i dont know enough. Maybe with multiple signatures or something. Maybe the platform creates a new dual-signature address for each asset and only signs both when it sees both sides of the trade.
When I was looking into creating a bridge before arrived one of the developers of Omnicore told me they were working on their OmniBOLT Smart asset lightning network. It was very technical to fund a lighting channel and proceed with these HTLC atomic swaps.
But for the inclined who do want to investigate more about it and potentially do OTC with it you can find more here:
You could fund a lighting channel with omni-maid and the other person with bitcoin (or any other omni asset like USDT - check if exchange still support it…).
Then the HTLC could swap the two and you close the channel (claiming) the assets.
Edit: Would be worth to checkout if you need to own a fully synced omnicore node, because this could be limiting factor for many.
Hello, i am trying to sell some of my omni maid (dont want to, but need to) with no luck cause i am in the u.s. I tried to convert to emaid but cant get past the kyc (wont take my license). Is there anyone interested?