Watch this video! :)

After watching the cyber attack video I still don’t understand what you are specifically talking about.

He talks about how covid has been pretty bad, but is nothing compared to the damage a major cyber attack could cause… What’s the issue with that exactly?

To me the words “conspiracy” and “theory” are quite useful to distinguish between theories and facts in the realm of conspiracies, regardless of the origin of the term “conspiracy theory”. So no thanks :slight_smile: .


Agreed, conspiracy theory is a definition we need, it applies very well to the the following :Lizard people, the moon landing never happened, Trump is smart (lol) or vaccines are mind control drugs etc. Need a way to distinguish the crazies :joy:.

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This one is for you @JimCollinson


For those interested in the history of words (etymology), see e.g.

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Ad Hominem. While laughing! Nice.
You threw in a bunch of Red Herrings as well.


It is used as trigger term to shutdown thinking. The CIA promoted in via the Mocking Bird Media. The CIA didn’t take over the media right. That is history that does not exist in your mind.

Operation Mockingbird is an alleged large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes.

CIA DOC 1035 960

Here is the document for those interested.

It blows my mind that you guys can’t see ultra greedy people conspiring to take more power in the modern world. To conspire means two or more people working toward a common goal. To think the ultra rich and powerful have stumble into their positions is simple minded.


Absolutely did, that was exactly the purpose! Crazies! :joy:

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Stop calling me names!!!


I’ve never called you any name. Why do you do it to me? It’s insulting.


Sorry if you felt identified by that, it was not directed at anyone in particular. Just put the most outlandish, far fetched ideas and associated them with crazy thought process …

(forgot flatlanders, using foil paper as mind reading defense, chemtrails and QAnon theorists on that list… :wink:)

Again, not directed at anyone in particular!


I don’t see how the creation of a term can prevent anything at all.

As are many others. Personally I don’t get “triggered” by simple words, even the four-letter ones.

It doesn’t really matter what does or does not exist in my mind. I never actually studied etymology per se anyway. The fact still remains: The words “conspiracy” and “theory” are thousands of years old, and can be shown to have been used together in English at least as early as the 1800s.

That will be 10 MAID, please.


I’ll have to delay payment until we move to SNT so as to reduce fees. :sweat_smile:


But how do you know where to draw the lines between rational and crazy.
I know some ppl who seem to be fairly intelligent but believe the official statements on the twin towers ( 911 ) and call anyone who thinks otherwise a conspiracy theorist.
I know other fairly intelligent ppl who think the great reset is a conspiracy theory despite everything being published quite clearly on the Internet.


@Knosis I am still interested in a response to this most recent post of mine if you have one. :pray:

I’m subscriber to the WEF youtube channel. These people are overturning the social order of all cultures with their own particular view of the world. If you go through their videos they never have opposing views on their talks or lectures. It’s pure propaganda. This Cyber Attack is coming and they will benefit from it. Everything they want which is greater top down control, more limited human rights, a move away from individualism toward group think. They want to further empower corporations and limit the input of common people. The Cyber Attack will bypass democracy and further their goals. For them to say it will make COVID look mild by comparison is a disturbing proposition.

We are talking about global social reform and the death of many cultures. They are right in their minds and will force the world into their new view. On some issues they may be but limiting human rights and furthering the power of international corporations seems to be going backward.

For example they are forcing a Circular Economy on to the planet. Nobody voted for it. We are getting it regardless. By having a crisis that shuts down energy, banking and healthcare they close to the door for Democratic Input. They eliminate opposition. Just take a look at their youtube channel. Self-serving do gooders with immense power. Look at the comments thumbs up vs down.


I take this as that you had no reason for posting the specific videos, since you seem unable to point to any. So it’s more of a “look at the WEF!” kind of thing. That’s fine.

Thank you for the explanation, I am getting some understanding for what this is about! :slight_smile:

  1. We have an organization—the World Economic Forum.
  2. They have a mission statement, in short: “The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.” (Our Mission | World Economic Forum)
  3. They are working with like-minded people to try and fulfil their mission.

I can totally see people having an issue with this. This isn’t a conspiracy by the definition that Sascha posted since it’s not unlawful to my understanding, and its evilness is subjective. I won’t argue definitions of words such as conspiracy by the way, as long as we’re understanding each other I’m satisfied.

My confusion stems from the conspiracies around this where some people—such as yourself @Knosis—lie about what the WEF are saying. For instance:

If you can give a timestamp for where they say this in the video, or even a reasonable explanation for how they are pushing for a massive cyber attack in that video, I will stop claiming your statement is a lie, and apologize. Until then I regard your statement as a lie.

The way I see this, it’s a political issue. The WEF is a “capitalist” organization trying to further the interest of companies and tie them into the state more closely so the companies can prosper, and they’re probably hoping the states will benefit from this as well. If this is good or not is subjective. They are a “capitalist-furthering” organization, that’s their “political view”, it’s what they do.

There are other organizations that want to take away power from corporations. And they also post videos of talks and panels where everyone’s interest align and they try to further the goals of their organization, just like WEF. The Zeitgeist Movement is an example of one such organization. They also have a grand plan for how they want the world to look. TZM isn’t a conspiracy for doing this, just like WEF isn’t a conspiracy for doing the same thing.

Both the WEF and TZM are simply organizations working within the structures of the current economic and social systems to try and bring about some specific change in the world.

I don’t see how it helps to go all “this is a conspiracy!!” and lying about these matters helps. Doing so only serves to alienate many people who would otherwise totally be for instance against WEF, but they are unlikely to even look into the matter because it’s being brought up as if it’s a big conspiracy when it’s actually just powerful people trying to keep their power, like they’ve always been doing.


Photonic computing and AI. A short talk on current research in photonic neuromorphic computing.

Our future overlords, might be beings of light!


Just to be clear, I never posted a definition. I posted some links that explain the history of the words. But, judging by your other posts, I believe you know what a definition is, and I think we understand each other pretty well.

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The use of logical fallacies. Those who use/accept them (once they know that they are logical fallacies) are liars out to distract from the truth.


But it’s subjective.
IMO, many ppl who call ppl " conspiracy theorists" are possibly just suffering from cognitive dissonance.
The truth is so far from what they percieve the truth to be they just reject it.
Eg. Someone who lived through ww2 and experienced how things really can be will have a much more open mind to the possible horrors the state will inflict on them than someone who has had lead a life where such horrors are not common place, so its easier to dismiss as madness.