When trying to break down his presentation, it is incoherent, sometimes very irrelevant and also fails to comment on negative effects or explain negative effects, future or/and historical. Makes contradictory claims and failed logical reasoning.
This guy could be bought by oil companies or his brain might be getting old and demented, he seems to try some cherry picking and then talks none relevant stuff and avoid to talk about or explain negative effects.
First 13 minutes he talks most garbage about none relevant subjective conclusions about a lot of things. 0-13:00
Then explains atmospheric circulation from equator to the poles, around 15:00
Then somewhat explains radiation and absorption, but also talks irrelevant of high and low CO2 levels instead of average levels, making failed logical reasoning when comparing high/lows with average CO2 levels 18:00
22:00 Continues to speak about radiation
23:00 Talks about history about greenhouse gases
25:00 Talks about radiation at different wavelengths and absorption of sun light at different frequencies, which doesn’t seem to give anything important to anything, just that the effect of absorption in different frequencies doesn’t change at different CO2 levels. I and probably most people won’t argue and or make arguments about absorption at different frequencies, and that it irrelevant with total CO2 levels.
29- talks about models and that if you combine all models they overestimate, but he doesn’t mention observed data compared to the warming that has happened and is happening.
Says carbon dioxide don’t make any difference, then talks about that the difference seen today is positive.
34 Talks about that CO2 levels have been greater in the past but don’t talk about negative effects with those levels
35-40 Talks about Co2 is good for plants, ignore living things
40 Talks about that policies is made based on incorrect prediction models of future warming, but doesn’t touch on models that compare data with todays/historical warming and that those show high correlation.
43 Talks about fossils 300-400 million years ago and shifts in oceanic plates
Says we live in a CO2 famine today compared to past, doesn’t explain the last event 300 years ago when CO2 levels where as high as today.
Says bad effect of CO2 only that we can grow higher towards the poles, fails to explain a 15-20 meters higher sea levels 300 million years ago. Fails to explain negative consequences drought, famine, lack fresh water, temperature spikes, rising sea levels and so on
Talks about plants but not consequences for animals and living things.
Says prediction models are wrong but don’t talk about observed data and models
His main points are that models exaggerate, but he doesn’t touch on observed data and historical events to what happened on earth, when similar conditions where present.
He says more CO2 is beneficial, while saying earlier that they have no to minimal effect, then saying that the increase in temperature is positive for growing things.