Update 4th July, 2024

I’d love to see IMIM working with your project. There is a build process that creates the associated angular files in the readme there. To be useful, it needs to be able to pull markdown files (which would be the articles for the blog) from Autonomi though.

Lmk if you need more from me. I’m happy to help here.

Also, I very much agree that uploading and downloading data to the network is key for users to understand the experience. More over, when there are nice apps which bring this to life, even more so.

I understand the motivation to get a stable network of nodes, but it’s kind of dull from a user experience POV. It doesn’t show what is unique and exciting about Autonomi. If it wasn’t for the rewards, it would be a hard sell.

It would be great to understand at what point the beta network will be more open to uploads. Given all my tokens are whisked away to HQ currently, I’m assuming something will change?