Unmaintained rust_sodium repository copied over to Subspace to attract further development

The rust_sodium crate has not been actively worked on by the MaidSafe team for some time now, other than urgent or light maintenance tasks we were alerted to. It was removed as a dependency from the last of our other repositories last year and subsequently marked as unmaintained, with a note requesting that anyone wishing to take over maintenance should contact us.

We have been approached by a developer who offered to copy the repository to Subspace. Subspace is an “open-development” platform where community members
can help support older git repos. The basic idea is that anyone can
create a pull request, and then developers vote on whether or not to
merge, as well as give feedback (so the responsibility doesn’t rest on
a single project owner). You can read all about Subspace here.

You can find the link to the new rust_sodium Subspace repository here.

We know that this crate is still used by many people in their Rust ecosystem and so we hope that this helps generate interaction with it and encourage users to keep it up to date.

The original repository will remain as is for now with an updated readme pointing to the new Subspace repository.