Last week, we updated the second dev tutorial. We now have two comments plugin: one for permanent comments (using immutable data) and the other for editable comments (using versioned structured data).
SAFE Launcher
The launcher implementation of API 0.6 is almost close to completion. A chore work of validating the APIs is being carried out. The gaps in the implementation are planned to be identified and addressed this week. The limitations listed in last week’s release (UI logs and dashboard glitches) should also be addressed in this week.
The test suites have been expanded to cover the low-level APIs. This is a good place for devs to look and learn more in addition to the example apps.
As for the discussion about app permissions and app management, we are now starting to agree on one approach. We are currently fleshing it out and we aim to start a discussion on the dev forum later this week. The ideas presented will still be open to debate by the community and we’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback once we post that topic
We are currently driving the async safe_core
task to completion. The whole crate has 4 top level modules - core, nfs, dns and ffi. We are done with the first 3 and are currently on the 4th. It’s a huge task but looking at the current progress we should be close to completion, if not already done by the end of this week.
Changes and progress can be tracked in the dev branch of the safe_core
repository. All changes required by Launcher/Frontend are being made into master
while also being ported to dev
in parallel.
Routing & Vault
The main missing pieces of the disjoint groups implementation in routing
are finally in place, and Bart and Fraser are in the progress of updating our tests – and fixing all the bugs that the tests uncover. After such a large change this is to be expected and we want to get the core part of the new feature right prior to implementing the new secure message routing.
Simultaneously, Qi and Andreas are already starting to migrate safe_vault
to the disjoint groups-based routing in a new “dev” branch. The disjoint groups approach will require some changes to how client accounts are managed and how data is relocated.
Diggory is making huge progress on the security simulation that will produce estimates and optimise some parameters like group and quorum size. This will help us make informed decisions in the implementation of the Node Ageing RFC.
Dev outreach
After starting last week with the first two official Developer Meetup Groups in Berlin and Amsterdam, two more continents were added to the list: first Melbourne, Australia decided to join the list, then the MaidSafe Group in Cordoba, Argentina decided to rebrand itself, too. Additionally, Ben (@lightyear) was invited for a remote-presentation at the Manchester Bitcoin Meetup on November 7th. And after the Bitcoin Wednesday meetup on December 7th, we will have our own kick-off meetup on Friday 9th in Amsterdam, too. It looks like there might be quite a few team members around in Amsterdam for that one. So, if you are around any of them, make sure to come by!
Secondly, we’ve added some more communication and outreach related categories to the developer forum: a section for announcements, including developer events, and another more general community category. We will be using the latter to communicate outreach materials like slide decks but also guidances like how to start a meetup group or become a SAFE developer ambassador yourself. Stay tuned, these are still in the works
If you are interested in starting an official Developer Group (not all organizers have to be developers themselves!), please send @lightyear a private message!
We also want to take a moment to highlight the new team members who joined MaidSafe recently
From the routing/vault team, that’s Bart and Diggory. Bart is working with Fraser on the Disjoint Groups implementation and wrapped his head around the RFC, but also Routing’s message flows, tunnel nodes, accumulation and other features amazingly fast. And Diggory is designing and building the complex simulation tool and already has lots of valuable ideas regarding security and the Node Ageing RFC.
As for the safe core team, Nikita has hit the ground running. He has picked up stuff really fast and is submitting big and important PRs along with Adam.
And in the frontend team, Ben is very active and contributes a lot to the discussions. He has been working on the examples (for the dev tutorials) and churning them out at a great pace. At present, he is more tied up with the dev outreach submissions. He is of great help to improve the APIs and always on toes to look for improvements