Hi everyone,
I notice I have not options to buy/sell/convert MAID on Bittrex anymore. What is the best option right now in terms of moving my MAID off Bittrex to sell/convert?
Are you sure?
I just logged in to bitrex and the option to buy sell MAID is still there.
There have been trades ALL day.
Is access to some markets on bittrex restricted by country?
Bittrex Global or Bittrex US?
Bittrex US
Sorry, I should’ve mentioned I’m in the USA.
Bittrex US hasn’t allowed MAID in years. The only current exchange open to US customers that has MAID is P2PB2B. You could transfer it there, or wait for whatever comes of the ERC20 MAID and what that may open up.
Thanks, I just wanted to pull it off the exchange but the fee is 10% which sucks. Maybe I’ll just let it sit there.
You could use Changelly in the US without KYC. But you still need to get MAID there which means paying the withdrawal fee.
hey, thanks for the reply. Yep I was wanting to covert on Bittrex to avoid the fee but I’ll just let it sit there for now.