Australia is practically the same as the UK in this regard. Here data retention gives the government a backdoor method to search out a journalist sources. This is in spite of useless protections supposedly in the law as evidenced by the fact the first individual the data retention laws jailed was a journalist.
i just discovered - it shows where your email address and details have been breached.
the irony is that you can subscribe to their monitoring services with… your email and a password…
i wonder if they will publish their own data breaches.
Sounds the same as
Spoiler: yes, you have.
And the party goes on ! 419 M facebook users phone numbers exposed …
Poor Julian! The Safe Network will protect leakers and whistleblowers to the max and prevent this sort of tragedy down the line … that’s what I hope for.
Lol wouldn’t typing in your email etc on here expose you to yet another “pwnable” database seems kinda like a self-defeating website
The owner is Troy Hunt a VERY Well known Security Researcher and he’s been doing this kind of thing for ages. Very reputable!!
In fact at the bottom of that Firefox page it says this:
“Breach data provided by Have I Been Pwned”
Let me guess, they will hand over the info to the feds.
Entire wikipedia text available to download.
This should be moved on to the safenetwork.
There was this project by @DaBrown95 : Wikipedia or a Wiki on the SAFE Network
Whether or not one accepts this sort of “information” or hates it … is simply one’s opinion … but governments working to stifle speech they don’t like does not bode well for society. We need the safe network!
I will NEVER buy ANYTHING Apple.
You’d be a fool trusting facebook for your privacy in any case, but this just shows that a centralized Network will NEVER be any good at privacy:
Wow, three tech censorship stories in a row - a magical day of oppression worldwide: