And the way you do it is simple. You just tell them this whole thing wouldn’t even exist on safe net.
I think I’m gonna go home right now and write an article on Medium. I’ll need someone to review it though as I’m not the most technical.
The idea is to show people how it wouldn’t effect safe.
I think this is a great idea, be sure to share. In a separate thread, I believe the marketing one we were all talking about what sets SAFE apart. Obviously there has been a big push to mention safe as an Autonomous Network that actually stores data not just pointers like a block chain. I also mentioned a previous tag line David used that I love which is “its time to SAFE the internet”.
I was pondering creating a wiki topic that lists similar events, and shows how they wouldn’t happen on safe. There could be at least a major breach / leak / political decision / attack per day to populate such a topic so I thought it could be a nice showcase of what could be avoided, with links to articles that explain how Safe would prevent each problem.
Happy to help to proof read it!
I’m gonna keep it nice and short and simple writing it now.
AFAIK lack of net neutrality could greatly affect the Safe network. Without net neutrality there would be nothing to the ISP doing deep packet inspection and severely throttling or just blocking all unknown protocol encrypted traffic. They will just block it and see who complains. “Sorry, only encrypted traffic using authorised certificate authorities (compromised) certs are allowed on our network - to stop terrorists communicating of course.”.
That is why I think pluggable transports for protocol obfuscation like Tor uses (for example where Safe net traffic can appear to be skype or some other suitable “ISP approved” protocol) will become a natural extension and necessity for this project.
As I understand it, Safe Net already implements some of these, making Safe Net traffic fairly ‘normal’. I remember there being discussion about using certain Rust modules to support this. Perhaps @dirvine could confirm?
My article is ready.
How the shags do I share it with a few of you to read it and undoubtedly tell me im stupid and point out all the mistakes?
Word doc, pdf? And where should I post it for you guys? Google docs?
I personally think google docs works well, I’m not the best proof reader. I’m not sure how busy @Jabba is atm but he is a top notch editor imo
Ill PM all you guys that have commented links. I think we need some people to scrutinize it from a technical perspective as im a jack ass when it comes to that stuff and then just some proof readers and editors. comments are on, not editing because I think with too many of us it could spell disaster, just make comments for edits and ill fix it all up tonight. I also want to bring the read time down. I think its about ten minutes so far. cheers
UBER had data stolen and had to pay hackers. This kind of news keeps popping up everywhere. Just makes the network even more valuable.
I think it would indeed be great to consistently react to news like net neutrality, Uber data stolen etc, with “That would not happen on Safenet”.
At the same time do we want to attract that attention from authorities without having Safenetwork ready or is it better to stay below the radar?
I think the authorities probably know about maidsafe and their plans. They probably think it is not a threat…i hope they are wrong.
I’ve thought about this many times and the conclusion I continue to come up with is they may or may not know but one thing is sure most government agencies are filled with bumbling idiots. And yes there are a few clever bumbling idiots out there. They’ve not shut down tor, they’ve not shut down bitcoin. They shut down silk road and we know why silk road was specific designed for and only for sale of prohibited items it was so in your face they hadvto shut it down and then there was the fact ulbricht tries to have people killed, that certainly did not help.
I don’t see safe being shut down at all.
If anyone else wants to give me feedback just comment here and I’ll send you the link I’m going away for a few days and would like to publish this tonight while I have access to my laptop.
He probably would have been charged with that if it was a fact.
Happy to help! Just ping me a link if you need me and I’ll get round to it tonight
I think I got in too late, but provided some feedback anyway!