The SafeCoin Roadmap - The Road of Thieves

Rebrand as “The Ad Free Network” that seems to sum up the essence of privacy, security and freedom. When you are looking for something you want to just find it without noise, interruption, distraction or friction. You also don’t want to incur the risk and the price from those elements. You want a relatively transparent system with good approximate truth mapping and good built in anonymity. In short you want a demand side system, not a top down manipulative supply side system. Unfortunate “clear net” is already taken by the problem case and that it was associated with clear channel and clear wire.

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You can still have adverts on SAFENetwork, so it would seem like a misnomer to me.


It’s just plain incorrect :roll_eyes: There’s a lot more to each of those three than either advertising or those other things you’re angry at.

You may hate advertising, big corporations, and so on. I do too. The bad news is, the Safe network won’t be enough to do away with those. The good news is, we’ll be able to do our business without being spied on by big corporations through advertising and trackers but, again, that doesn’t amount to all the goodies you seem to be hoping for. The world will go on pretty much unchanged with or without the Safe network outside the few areas it will improve it.

What is “truth mapping,” by the way? I’m not gonna deny it sounds cool but I have a nagging feeling it doesn’t actually mean anything.


I have nailed it:

Dataries ( official currency in Star Wars)
Think about it: we already have parsec !

Also in Dataris, you have the word data.
Our currency will be backed by data and will derive its value from data.

I suggest Dataries


If you can have adverts that make money through push and tracking and all that and even become a means of site support- then SAFE has failed. Its very simple.

SAFENetwork is far more than adverts on web pages though; it is just the tip of a very large iceberg of privacy, security and scalability. It would massively underrepresent the depth and scale of the network’s abilities to pitch it as just as advert free web browsing experience.

Moreover, people may just be asked if they want tailored adverts or to pay a fee. Sites have to generate revenue and for those who don’t mind adverts, they may be happy to accept the trade off.

What SAFENetwork does present, is more choice. It can give both the data provider and consumer more options for how they interact and trade. However, considering an advert can be little more than text on a page, they are clearly going to be used on SAFENetwork by some data providers.


Yes, the positives are immense and so much more than that thin negative posibility and there is a social element, but I think this issue is a hard litmus on whether the network and even its potential can be trusted. We need to set up the line now for the more invasive stuff that is to come like neural link. This speaks to the heart of basic freedom and what it means to be human or have recoverable humanity.

Like to update the above with an analogy.
I think this can be likened to the historical plight of women. What kind of aggregate cultural violation overrides self definition and converts people to property? I think we can see that the aggregate abuse of attention over time does that to our democratic systems. So from my perspective its like attentional rape and we have a system that is only concerned with an insane implied supply side right to rape and not with everyone else’s need to be completely free of that. Its like the plight of women even in some places today.

Note the Trump admin getting upset about Google’s current attempt to have Chrome encrypt DNS (over data theft) but only because it would restrict other abuser’s implied right of access to victim’s data by allowing for increased privacy and security. This is just like the idiot logic of Ajit Pai where free speech neutrality must be abolished to make censorship profitable and then claiming that an electrical outage or server outage caused the agency to fail to register the population’s record protest. I suspect this current bunch is a flight risk all the way up to the top. They run on a right to take bribes and to lie and they righteously think everyone has a price and money makes everything ok and they believe they have a right to retaliate when their wrong doing is blocked.


Good idea.

Did you check if its not trademarked already? It is under disney’s copyright everything mentality now.

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I can see you are passionate about this, but I just don’t think the vast majority of people share your concerns to the same level. Sure, people would like to avoid ads and may be prepared to toss a few cents to the content provider periodically to avoid them. However, I very much doubt they equate the viewing of adverts to any sort of rape. Let’s keep perspective here.


You might be on to something with this one.


or just plain,


EDIT: datari rhymes with safari


Of course but those designing a network for the benefit of all, a replacement network should. What will push look like with Musk’s neural link? Even a slightly less invasive form that just extended out of some glasses and constantly read sub verbal ennervations with the equivalent of speech recognition software with speech input from an earbud with a pass through for regular speech reception- that type of rig will be left in people’s ears all the time by many people including children, it will become a mental prothestetic. Do you want to be surrounded by a society of borgish drones who have surrendered to thought police even their inner thoughts- all cataloged in a kind of cloud group memory map?
If that is part of the future (core tech was demonstrated almost a decade ago) there better be some solid limits on push.

In the US just Buckley v Valejo, the loss of the Fairness doctrine, and Santa Clara Railroad’s (speech dilution) and the loss of the court’s free speech doctrine and stupid Florida rulings setting precedent allowing news media to lie to the public about the public interest for profit even on matters of health with impunity and Citizens v. United and now the hit on neutrality- all that f’d us as a society (a society wife raping) so we have top down consolidated captured sponsor filtered media that has led to sponsored law and crap that literally bypasses the legislative process like ALEC. The DNC and the RNC and their clown candidates and the Torries and the Right in Australia are totally captured by rent seeking fossil fuel oligarchs and even captured out beyond corporations by fossil fuels states including Israel, Saudia Arabia, Russia.

This system of pimping out the American and UK people is completely backwards but it is all made possible in the US by foolishly allowing money as speech doctrines (money isn’t speech any more than bribery is) and the terrible of conflict interest of enclosed sponsored media and the money mega phone. We need doctrines and practices that turn the volume down on big money as a check and balance. We need it hard wired in at the network level. We need systems that limit the fungibility of money and power, otherwise it all becomes tyranical royalist inbred hereditary nonsense with no opportunity or social mobility. It becomes a system driven by fear and coercion instead of trust and friendship.
It becomes a destabilized system based on useless secrets and dirt and spying and black mail and bribes and lies and artificial scarcity and out of control rent seeking and busy work lives and busy work class rooms and fake baby sitting tread milling jobs that don’t need to be done so they have no dignity and no security.

Find another basis for media other than sponsorship and we can begin to fix much of this.

I just checked TESS and it’s not trademarked - not sure they can “copyright” a word, but at least the trademark is clear.


I think “Dataries” looks and sounds better if you remove the “s” and “e” - so: datari

1 datari, 100 datari etc.


Me too. Adjacent vowels (ie) are alien to some langages too. Best keep it clean and simple


Good find. I actually looked into the Star Wars universe as well for inspiration / curiosity at one put but didn’t realize creds were at one time referred to as Republic Dataries. I’m with a lot of these guys in here though in that I think Datari sounds legitimate and looks by far the best. Also not a straight rip off as well so renders copyright and trademark a non-issue.


Maybe somebody already thought of it: what about inf(s). Short for infinity stones/gems (or information for more serious people). Comparable to dataries/data, only better known.
If I understand it correctly: with infinity stones you can store half of all your living data in perfect condition for years. And that in very small parts, so that nobody can detect it :wink:


Or just use “gems”. .


Not to forget Safires! :gem:


I checked “Datari” on TESS - US trademark database and it is also available - although had been trademarked from 1980-2001. Listed as ‘dead’ now.