The SafeCoin Roadmap - The Road of Thieves

‘Pars’ works if you say it with an eye patch, parrot on your shoulder, and have a peg leg. #ahoy-matey

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yeah, I like ants too.

Is this coming announcement specifically about the name of the coin and the ticker? I wonder if they’ll talk about this in the next update then?

IDA - internet disk array.
Not to far from the meaning of our current name.

Edit. Does not seem catchy though.

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Saffron - worth more by weight than gold


Yes, indeed. But no one else likes that one. I thought it was pretty clever. :trumpet:

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Yes, saffron is expensive, but not as much as gold:

Dang. No such thing as an orignial thought in the Internet era is there?

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Another way to look at it is convergent evolution, the hundredth monkey effect, etc. Two independent discoveries of it might mean we are on to something that would market well to network users’ subconscious…

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Whale vomit aka ambergris is worth more by weight than gold I’ve read.
I would go for another name though.
From Ambergris is usually passed in the fecal matter → One could say that a potential ambergris coin would be an expensive shitcoin.


Another brainwave: doh!

And we can all say it Homer Simpson style :wink:

Amber is a nice one though!

" Some amber bugs come at a high price, like this mating queen ant for $99,900."

Reference: “Please Log In

Reference: I Bet I Can Create A 25 Million-Year-Old False Alarm, Says Biologist E.O. Wilson : Krulwich Wonders... : NPR


Good for storing things for a very long time:


And amber eyes, man…

But I have this project sooo associated with light blue.


Your tongue, maybe. I expect:

  • Japanese: “pah-suh”
  • Korean: “paso”
  • Thai: “paa”

pa for short :slight_smile:

Send me 3000 pa and I’ll get started on the project. :slight_smile:

I can add Papua New Guinea’s Kina, which is the name of a shell that was used as currency.

This made me think of Safe Network Actual Financial Unit



It looks like the Kina is still the name of PNG’s currency.

Yes, that is correct. The Kina shell is not so much used anymore (which is a good thing, as they are popular with the tourists).